Chapter 19: The Truth Reigns

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Uhhhh it feels so good

When you let go

Of all the drama in your life

Now you're free from all the pain

Free from all the games

Free from all the stress

So find your happiness

Mary J. Blige-No More Drama

Cassie smiled as she stepped inside the Q6 bus with her new friend Nikki. Today was a really fulfilling day with her therapy group, as she heard everything she needed to hear. It was so refreshing that all of her therapy buddies were all on the same boat as she was; they were all afraid of telling their loved ones about their pain and struggles caused by others, trying to soften the blow.

Rhonda implored that it was important to not keep things bottled up inside, as the truth will always set someone free from the pain and stress, and there will always be people willing to help. At that point, Cassie almost cried at what Rhonda said, as her family and Drew came into mind. They wanted nothing more than to make sure that Cassie would be at her full potential, mentally, emotionally, and academically.

What Cassie loved about this day the most, was how she found a new friend in Nikki. As they conversed with each other, something sparked between them, that same spark she felt with Brianna. She often wondered if her father was an oracle or fortune teller because it was him that told her that she would be bound to make a friend.

They shared the same interests, laughed at each other's jokes and ridiculous life experiences, and Nikki was wildly entertained by the Disney Channel, just like Cassie. Nikki lived by Arlington Terrace, which was not that far from Cassie's house, so they were bound to be very close friends. Now they were talking about catching up with trigonometry.

"Did you pass the midterm?" Cassie wanted to know.

"By God's grace," Nikki replied. "I barely passed."

Cassie's face brightened. "Oh, well maybe you can give me some pointers!"

"Did you hear the keyword barely?" Nikki quipped with a hint of laughter in her voice. "I don't know how much help I'll be."

"Look, I failed that test miserably, and you actually passed, so you know more than I do, and I need all the help I can get."

Nikki then put her hands up in mock surrender. "Alright, I can try."

Cassie smiled, pleased. "Great!"

Her face then fell as she remembered those text messages that caused her failure. She then sighed sadly.

"What's wrong?" Nikki asked.

"Nothing," Cassie replied. "It's just that I'm saying all these things, but I'm sure that nothing's gonna happen, I mean, my parents only talked to Simone's parents, I don't even know if Simone would even care one bit, and Ashley's still out there. It's gonna be the same thing when I go back to school."

"Cassie, now's not the time to think negatively," Nikki reassured. "Even if they still bully you, you've got your living insurance policy backup, you've got your brother who'd choke a bitch for you, your parents, your big sister, plus you got Drew Fernandez of all people by your side! I mean, I envy you, he's so hot!"

Cassie giggled. "He is, isn't he? I can't believe it myself."

"Uh-huh, and let me tell you this, I'm sure Simone won't bother you anymore, because there's gonna be a time where she would stop fucking with Ashley," Nikki said. " 'Cause she's not gonna take the fall for her. I mean, Ashley Barnes is a menace to society. She's been bullying everybody just because she got mommy issues."

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