Chapter 2: That Girl

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I saw you walking

Down on Melrose

You looked like an angel

Straight out of heaven, girl

I was blown away by

Your sexiness

All I have to do is catch up to you

Bobby Valentino-Slow Down

Drew sighed as he went up the stairs in this unfamiliar school for his trigonometry class. Today was his first day of junior year in Queens, and so far, he wasn't impressed. He moved here from Crown Heights about a month ago, because of a divorce between his parents, thus moving into an apartment complex in South Jamaica that the locals call the "40 Projects."

For Drew, it was like a walk in the park, because there were shootings almost every day where he was from. Here, it was just grown men acting like bitches. He was quite stunned about how Brooklyn and Queens were right next to each other but were so different. Drew found Queens really boring compared to Brooklyn, but cleaner and less trashy people walking around.

The only trashy people Drew saw so far was those two stuck up bitches, the Beyoncé wannabe and the four-eyed bitch with the fake Dolce and Gabbana glasses that she probably got from Walgreens. He was really pissed off that those two treated that poor girl like trash, dumping her books on the floor, after the bootleg Beyoncé ran her mouth about how she runs this school. Back in his old school, if they'd pull a stunt like that, they'd get their asses beat. They wouldn't last a second there.

He felt so sorry for the girl, though. What made him furious was how she didn't defend herself. She looked so helpless against them that he mentally kicked himself for not reacting sooner.

The girl wasn't even that bad looking, with her jet black curly hair that fell to her back like water, her delicate facial features, and that flawless caramel skin. But there was this certain humbleness that Drew picked up from her that he admired about her, but didn't even know why.

He then felt sad, because he looked like a total complete weirdo in front of her. She looked completely anxious in front of him, like he was some sort of stalker. He was so angry with himself for staring at her without even blinking. She literally flew out of the train because of him. It was just his luck.

Oh, well. He didn't have time for catching feelings when he had other important things to worry about, like his newly broken down family. Drew sighed as he made his way out of the stairway. He's nothing more than a psychopath to her anyway. 

He took a deep breath before entering the classroom, just knowing that the teacher would give him hell for being late on the first day. He stepped into the classroom to be met by a female teacher in the middle of orientating the bored and tired students on what will be done this year. The girls in the room immediately sprang to life as soon as he walked in. Typical.

"Umm, hi," the teacher said, with mock annoyance.

"Morning, sorry I'm late," Drew replied, with an apologetic smile.

"Let me guess, you got lost, right?" the teacher asked knowingly.

Drew smiled. This teacher was pretty cool. "Yeah, you can call it that."

"Doesn't matter, it's only the first day, but come on time from now on, there's a lot of material you gonna miss."

"Yes, ma'am."

After he took his attendance, he took a seat by the window on the left side of the room. Right after he took his seat, his heart nearly shot out of him when the girl from this morning came in the room, smiling nervously and apologetically to the teacher. But the teacher was nice about it and said the same thing she told him.

After she took her attendance, his heart pounded when took a seat right next to him. He learned that her name was Cassandra Phillips. Nice name. Drew tried to keep his composure and not glance at her because she's already freaked out by him as it is.

What the hell's wrong with me?

He paid attention to the material being taught as much as he could until he felt someone tap his right shoulder. He turned to see that it was Cassandra calling for his attention.

"Um, do you have an extra pencil I can borrow?" she asked nervously. "I think I lost it when they dropped my stuff."

"Sure, no problem," Drew replied, while reaching in his bag and pulling out a mechanical pencil. He handed it to her, making a small smile appear on Cassandra's face.

"Thanks," she said, taking it from him willingly.

"No problem," he replied.

Cassandra looked pleased as she continued with her work, causing Drew to make an internal sigh of relief. She doesn't think I'm a weirdo. The class went by fast, much to the classmates' delight, and now as the bell rang, the students were rushing out of the room for their next class. While Drew was packing his notebook in his bag, Cassandra held on to his arm, calling for his attention.

"Oh, what's up?" Drew replied to her.

"Thanks for the pencil," Cassandra said, starting to hand Drew back his mechanical pencil.

"No, it's alright, you can keep it," Drew reassured her.

"Oh, wow, thanks," Cassandra smiled at him.

"No problem... uh... Cassandra, right?" Drew replied.

"Yeah, but uh... just call me Cassie," Cassandra said, smiling nervously.

"Oh," Drew nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm Drew by the way."

"Nice to meet you," Cassie said, looking down at the floor. "Bye."

And just like that, Cassie scurried out of the room, probably trying to get to her next class as quickly as possible, maybe to avoid those two broads. As Drew got his things together, he wondered how long this had been happening to her. He wasn't the type of person to pry into people's business, but he hadn't felt so sorry for someone in a long time. At the same time, he felt a little frustrated that she couldn't defend herself against those girls who think they're so high and mighty. Drew shook his head as he took his bag and went on to his next class.

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