Chapter 23: Prom Night

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From this moment, life has begun

From this moment, you are the one

Right beside you is where I belong

From this moment on

Shania Twain-From This Moment On

June 2007

Cassie applied the last of her silver eye shadow to complement to her silver prom dress. Tonight was the event the senior class of Forest Hills High was looking forward to. It was prom night. Cassie herself had butterflies in her stomach for tonight. It would be very interesting what dresses the girls would wear and how sharp the boys would look. Most importantly, Cassie wondered how her prom date would look like. She was certain that he would look good for her since this was a special day.

Senior year was bliss for Cassie. Gone were the days of dreading school, fearing the inevitable. Because now, she had no bullies to worry about. Even if someone tried to bother her, she'll be ready to defend herself. She knew for herself that she was somebody. She was focused on her school work, earning good grades just like her old self, much to her parents' delight, along with having great friends in Nikki and Simone, most importantly, having the most amazing boyfriend ever.

Cassie never dreamed that she would be good friends with her former bully, Simone. After going to the source of what drove her to be who she was last year, plus the dangerous position she was in, Cassie felt nothing but empathy for Simone, along with forgiving her. She knew that if one of her parents screwed around or had a friend who was affiliated with a nationwide gang, Cassie would have felt contempt too.

Cassie and Simone had so much in common. They both had unspoken words, having fear of the unknown. They were both bullied in different ways by the same person. That was why it was so easy for Cassie to forgive Simone. Plus, now that she was free from her torment, she was so easy to talk to.

Cassie's train of thought derailed when her mother came in through the door to check on her.

"Cassie, you're all set?" she asked.

Cassie stood up from her vanity and smoothed down her elegant but simple prom dress, and replied,

"All set, Mom."

Angie sighed with content. "You look beautiful, Cassie."

Cassie smiled back at her mother. "Thanks, Mommy."

"I mean, where did the time go? 'Cause just last week you were just outside jumping double dutch with your sister and all your friends and now you're..." Angie's voice cracked as she burst into tears before Cassie rushed over to hug her.

"I'm getting emotional, am I?" Angie asked.

"Yes," Cassie only replied.


Cassie smiled as she let go of her mother. "At least you're not as emotional when Cheyenne went to her prom and I bet you let everything out when C.J. left to pick up Shantelle," she said matter-of-factly.

Angie breathed out a laugh as if she remembered how much she cried at that time, embarrassing everyone. "That's true. However, I don't know about your father, 'cause I know how close you two are."

Cassie's heart sank as she realized the inevitable. "Oh, no."

"Don't worry, sweetheart, I'll take care of it," Angie reassured her daughter.

"I hope so," Cassie replied, smiling nervously.

Angie led Cassie down the stairs, only to be met by her father, Cheyenne, and Drew conversing with each other. Her heart fluttered when she saw a bouquet of pink roses in his hand along with his well-tailored suit with a gray tie, which complemented her outfit. Cassie couldn't get enough of Drew's shoulder-length dark hair slicked back into a low bun. As soon as their eyes laid on Cassie, her father let out a huge gasp before Angie warned him saying,

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