Saving Mother

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Seattle, September 1948

"Oof." I pried open the top of the final crate. I set down the crowbar and flexed my hands. It felt great to finally wipe my forehead off with my sleeve as I looked toward Mr. Grayson.

"They're all open!" I called.

He looked up from a clipboard he was studying near the front door and gave me a wide grin. "Perfect. Would you mind unloading the artwork? You can lean each piece against that far wall over there until I decide on an arrangement for the room."

"No problem, Mr. Grayson." I rolled my shoulders, and slid the nearest lid off its crate. I pushed the straw aside and pulled out a canvas wrapped in oilcloth. Peeling back the fabric, I revealed a vibrant vase of flowers spilling onto a table.

"Artemis, what brings you out here?" Mr. Grayson was speaking to a woman who had come into the gallery lobby without my notice.

I turned to see a lovely woman. Dark skin, white dress, and a stylish looking pair of shoes. She wasn't as tall as me, but really the only woman as tall as me was Viola. But she was almost there, and I was jealous of how she was able to carry herself with grace. Her eyes darted to me and back, and I swear she gave me a slight grin. I looked back down at the crate quickly, pretending I hadn't noticed.

Too bad for me that Devin spoke loudly enough for me to hear, and with no other noise in the gallery I couldn't help but overhear.

"Devin, always a pleasure. I was just coming to see if you needed anything from my people for the solstice party." The woman, Artemis, spoke in soft but commanding tones.

"No, I have it all under control. The decorations this time should be rather impressive, if our little experiment works out. Though, if you'd like to donate a case of that blackberry wine you had last autumn, I wouldn't say no." Devin walked a few steps to the front counter and set his clipboard down, giving the woman his full attention.

"I can do that," Artemis answered. "At my usual fee, of course."

Devin gave her a tired look. "It's for the solstice, Artemis. This benefits us all."

"Right, and it would benefit us all just as well without my wine." She gave him a cheeky smile and he sighed.

"Fine, fine. The usual fee. I'll send it over this week." Devin shook his head, dismissing the rest of his arguments. "If there is nothing else, I have a new show to put together and one day to do it. My art shipment came dreadfully late."

"Mr. Grayson!" An old woman came clicking into the gallery, with her sensible shoes and her glasses on the top of her head. I recognized her as the gallery secretary.

"What is it, Mrs. Brown?" Devin turned to her, rubbing his temples.

"The caterer for the show opening is out of caviar, and can't get more in time!" She wrung her hands in front of her. "What should we do?"

"It sounds like you have your hands full, Devin. I'll be going." Artemis nodded at the gallery around us. "But first, may I get a sneak peak at the exhibit?"

"Of course, help yourself. I have more pressing matters." Devin waved her off. "Mrs. Brown, have her substitute the caviar option for the crab croustinies. If it's too late to switch for that menu item, we can let the chef pick a substitute, but if it fails the event it's coming out of the gratuity."

Devin and his secretary continued their conversation while walking away, down the hall that went to the offices. I was very aware that it left me alone with Artemis.

Charming Heathra - a novella companion to Dirty Lying FaeriesWhere stories live. Discover now