The Gallery Party

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L'Atellier Rouge, September 1948

The gallery was completely transformed for the party.

The lighting was low, and every other lightbulb was replaced with a yellow one. It reflected the color pallet of the artist beautifully. The art itself was under a more direct white light, showcasing the art in the best way possible. But the main hall of the gallery, it was dim, and warm, and classy. Too classy for a farm girl.

For the millionth time, I adjusted the vest that Devin had given me as I stood behind the refreshment table. The doors would open soon, and my nerves were getting to me. The punch had just been set out, and all I really had to do was keep on top of filling the cups. There were also a few plates of fancy food, each one with a replacement tray behind me. If one ran out, I could swap it for the other tray, but then if it ran out we were just out. There were enough napkins to cover a barn, so I wasn't really concerned with those running out.

The clicking of Mrs. Brown's heels on the tile floor drew my eyes up. She was wearing a beautiful pink cocktail dress. It took a good ten years off of her usual appearance, and she appeared to be full of excitement for the festivities.

"Hello, Mrs. Brown. You look lovely this evening," I said.

The older woman beamed at me, turning her hips slightly and letting the skirt swirl around her legs a little. "Thank you, dear. I will say, the exhibit opening parties that Mr. Grayson throws are a definite perk of the job!"

I smiled at her smile. It was infectious.

"I'm just sorry you're stuck in uniform. You're young, you should be out there mingling with the handsome men." She winked.

I gave her a soft laugh. "No thank you, Mrs. Brown. I have a guy already, and even if I didn't I'm all thumbs. I'd make a fool of myself."

She made a shooing gesture with her hand. "Oh, nonsense. Well, I do have a few things I need to do before the guests arrive. Let me know if you need anything tonight, Heather."

"I will, Mrs. Brown." I grinned as she strode away, a definite spring in her old step.

"So, you have a guy already, do you?"

My heart jumped into my throat as a familiar voice crawled down my back, giving me the shivers.

"Arthur!" I spun to face him, walking forward to take his hands in mine.

"Heather." He chuckled.

I looked him up and down. He made a fine specimen. His coat was tailored to fit him perfectly, his hair was even neatly combed in a new style. When he smiled, those eyes sparkled.

"You look amazing," I said.

"That's funny, I was going to say the same about you," Arthur said. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "Attending the party?"

The corner of his mouth slid up in amusement. "No, I'm afraid I'm at the door. I'll be checking names off the invite list."

"A working man. I like it," I said.

Arthur laughed at me and looked over the table I was stationed by. "Refreshments?"

"Yes. I think I can handle it."

"I'm sure you can," Arthur said. "I should get to the front door, let me know if you need anything."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I laughed.

Arthur shrugged. "I guess we all want to help you. You're so open. The most open person I've met in a long time. That kind of honesty is hard to come by, and it makes you all the more endearing."

Charming Heathra - a novella companion to Dirty Lying FaeriesWhere stories live. Discover now