- Nuisance

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"Hey." She finally breathed out, biting her lip in nervousness.


Staring would be an understatement.
Gazing or Admiring would be a fitting word for the action both teens were doing. Finn couldn't keep his eyes off her as the girls silhouette traveled gracefully across the house. Millie would gaze at him when he was at the counter as he chugged down his own beer while talking amongst Caleb and him.

"Millieee, millster, earth to Millie?" Noah waved as his best friends attention was towards the new guy Finn.

"Yes?" She said cluelessly as she turned to Noah.

"Your staring again." Noah said smirking. Millie's cheeks turned a light pink as she crossed her arms. She didn't want this to happen, not at all. She was almost over it anyway, the longing pain of missing him.

"Who is he anyway?" Noah said as he too stared at the boy his friend seemed so infatuated with. Millie just shook her head.

"Someone...no one." She mumbled her head no against the cushion of the couch, her rear hurting against the hardwood floor. So Millie achingly got up and walked at a fast pace to the back of the house.

Noah got up quickly as he went to look for his best friend as a broad hand went over his chest bringing him to a halt. Caleb stood over him with a knowing look.

"Caleb let me go." Noah slung his hand off but before he made it to the door. Finn got up hesitantly and made his way to the door.

"Give them some time Noah, it's been awhile." Noah looked at him as Sadie also came and nodded. Noah's eyebrows furrowed.

"Does everyone know who the hell this guy is and what he has to do with Millie but me?!" Noah looked them in the eye as they looked away.

"Know what?" exclaimed Gaten, who was practicing Mario Kart to beat Finn for once.

"Noah chill we'll tell you just sit down." Caleb said as he pushed Noah on the couch in front of Sadie and him.

"So Finn and Millie have a long history."


"Deep breath in, Deep breath out" Millie repeated to herself as she tucked her knees up to her chest rocking on the wooden bench swing. She was anxious to say the least, but in private, never wanting her friends to worry or see her as weak and vulnerable. Only one person has seen her like that, and he's back. Caleb's backyard has always been a calming place to Millie, the variety of flowers and plants, the small bugs that linger in the fresh dew of morning. The soothing smell of lavender making her body loosen. She only wished her mother would let her have such a place. Millie did though, but she can't go back there. Suddenly there's the sound of the sliding door opening.

"Noah go away." Millie firmly said as she ducked her head in her knees.

"Not Noah." A raspy deep voice spoke.

"Leave me alone Finn." Even his name was a buried treasure in her mind. Rolling off like dust on a old book. She kept her head down not wanting to look at him, to actually look at him for once, for once close up after all these years.

"How have you been?" Finn said like if it wasn't a big deal, like for some unusual reason his nerves weren't everywhere and he couldn't think straight. But he did want to know how she's been, hows it been without him.

"Bored." She spoke flatly with no emotion, Finn caught onto it. That wasn't the Millie to remember.

"Why?" He too stared at her boringly, well at her head, but Millie felt his eyes burning through her.

You, she wanted to reply. It was the real reason, Millie's friends were a bunch of lazy basic asses, she loved them of course, but no one got her adventurous and built up like Finn.

"I-Its been plain around here you know." She said as she shrugged. Finn was getting annoyed. He was going out of his way to talk to her, to know about her well being, which is rare for him, and she replies so plainly not even looking at him.

"Can you look at me?" He said harshly feeling no sympathy for the way he was talking to her.  Millie looked up finally, one eyebrow up and a small smirk on her face. Since when did he become so, rough?

"Since when did dogsoft finally grow some balls huh Wolfhard?" Millie's smile only grew as she saw Finn scowl and purse his lips.

"Since when did miss happy feet turn into such a bitch." Finn fired back. He hated when someone talked about his so called vulnerable side, his soft side, which only Millie has seen. It made the feelings of interest and emotion vanish for the girl as they just spewed more and more insults to each other.

"You're so god damn annoying!" Millie shouted as they were both standing up and ready to rip each other apart. Millie was highly disappointed in the person Finn had become, and ignorant, smart ass, nasty, and to high of an ego freak.

"I could say the same thing to you, prude." Finn said as he stormed off into the house, slamming the glass door and left angered Millie in the "peaceful" garden. She huffed as she paced back in forth as she also decided to walk back in the house not letting him have the last word.

Finn rushed in, his loud and hard steps catching everyone's attention as he stormed into what they guessed was his room and slammed yet another door. Not long after a red and tense Millie stomped in.

"You have no right to call me that you-you, fucker!" Millie yelled as she stood in front of his door.

"Why don't you just go home already?!" Finn shouted through the shut door as he came out, calmer, but still mad. He silently laughed at the reddening color of Millie's face.

"You amuse me Mills, you look like tinker bell when you're mad. Want some pixie dust so you can fly away?" Finn shot back, but in a flirtatious tone. Millie scrunched her eyebrows, he just told her it go home only for him to then insult her and tell her to go home again all in the same time as flirting with her?

"Fine I'm going home just because I don't want to be near your bipolar ass anymore." She said not moving but still having Finn tower over her with a playful grin.

"Fine." He said plainly. This only fueled her more. How is he so calm oh my goodness.

"Fine!" Millie shouted a last time before storming, again, out of the house also slamming the door. Once she was out everyone was silent as Finn chugged some water, tired from the constant bickering.

"What." He said as the group just shrugged and murmured a bunch of murmurs of "nothing" and returned to what they were doing. Finn was still annoyed by the small brunette girl that just can't shut her mouth.

"What a nuisance."

AN: been a minute but I've had this ready but I keep forgetting to post it oops
-Dani 🌞

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