- Old Times Sake

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"Ok first, yes you have been a dick to me and it's annoying

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"Ok first, yes you have been a dick to me and it's annoying. And second, this isn't some joke, I genuinely want to be your friend believe it or not." Millie gave Finn a small smile as he kept a blank face.


"Why not?"


It's not everyday that Finn gets acts of kindness like this. The ones in which Millie is gazing at him with her hazel doe eyes and a sympathetic smile on her face. It made him look at her with his face scrunched, like if he just bit into a lemon.

"Stop it." Is all he said as he stood up and walked towards the shore, letting the slight breeze allow him to breathe for once in a while. To get him out of the warp hole called his mind. A beautiful thing, it can make your biggest dreams come true, or your biggest fears. But for Finn it was some sort of black hole he was constantly getting stuck in, never able to get out.

"What did I even do?" He whispered more to the small pond than to the girl behind him. Millie turned away from her shoelaces to his tall figure.

"Huh?" She said as she still sat on the floor, her head tilted like a puppy.

"Ever since I left I've had a pretty shitty time." Finn didn't mean for the words spilling out of his mouth to come out, it was word vomit. He didn't even know why he was telling her this, maybe it was old times sake. Millie stayed silent and let him continue. Maybe she could make Finns "walls" come down quicker than she thought. It more like an eggshell.

"My dad never wanted me, neither did his slut of a wife. No one ever wants me, and I don't even know what I did. It's like every time I wander around people face away like I'm some, dirty animal. And maybe I am, my dark outfits and cigarettes, but it's them who made me like that. Fucking society." Finn huffed as he shook his head. His expired feelings being finally let out.

"I bet not even my mom wants me, I never went back to her. I had so many chances to come back, but I was so god damn scared." Finn bit his lip to not let anything more come out, he closed eyes a took deep breath. He felt his shoulders become tense and his hands being to shake. Millie watched as he froze in place and he rolled up his fist.

"Fuck not now, not now." Finn thought as tears began to form and a mixture of adrenaline and emotion hitting him at once.

"Idiot, you think she cares? Why'd you even tell her, now she's gonna leave you too."

"Finn? Are you ok?" Millie got up and made her way to him as he looked as he was about to collapse. She grabbed his shoulder as she turned him around. His eyes were anywhere but hers, his jaw was clenched. A panic attack. Millie has had her fair share at them too, when out of no where the whole world crumbles down on top of you. The feeling of not being able to breathe, overwhelmed by all your senses.

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