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 The rays of sunlight reflecting off the white comforter woke Finn up as he squinted his eyes in reaction

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The rays of sunlight reflecting off the white comforter woke Finn up as he squinted his eyes in reaction. Memories of the lustful night popped into his head as he turned and saw the pink haired girls bare back, one arm dropped on his chest. He slowly lifted the limp arm off as he rubbed is face. Finn got up silently and shrugged on his denim jeans over his grey Calvin's. He slipped out onto the balcony and shivered at the cool breeze. He digger through his pocket and pulled out a cigarette.

"Aren't you going to freeze to death out here." The chirpy voice came from behind him. Her light footsteps made their ways towards him.
Finn stayed silent just looking off into the distance as Iris hugged herself in his plaid shirt.

"Hey, are you ok?" She said rubbing his shoulder only for Finn to shrug it off and walk back inside the house gathering his things. Leaving a confused girl in the cool breeze.


Millie was greeted by the warm air of the cozy house as she hung her coat on the rack beside the door and took off her black converse.

"Mary?" Millie yelled as she walked towards tidy and antique living room.

"Yes, Millie honey I'm in the study!" Millie smiles at the kind woman's voice and walked along the hallways filled with black and white pictures capturing moments from the past  that always interested her. Then there is the one mildly colored picture of her and Finn. Her on the carpet floor laughing as a 7 year old as Finn tickled her, the happiness radiated from the picture. Millie sucked in a breath and put a grin on, covering the pain that weighed in her heart. She kept walking until she made it to the pine scented room lined with books and old records. There in the middle sat Mary Wolfhard.

"You know Millie, I feel like...something good is going to happen today." Mary said with a small hopeful grin and her eyes squinted due to the grin. Millie just smiled bigger.

"Me too." Millie said as she remembered that she woke up this morning and just felt more happy than usual. Ever since Finns dad took Finn, Mary was left with only her daughter who less than 6 months later left for college. Mary suffered a lot, and Millie hated it. She loved Mary, she's played more of a mom figure in her life than her mother would ever play. So she started by just coming over on Sundays, keeping her company, then once she started working she saved some of her paycheck to buy food to cook for her. On Sundays and Wednesday's.

"Ok, so I bought spaghetti!" Millie exclaimed as she pulled some boxed pasta from her grocery bag. Mary smiled and stood up placed her hands on her hips.

"Let's get to it then."

An hour later Millie and Mary were sitting at the oak breakfast table as they served the hot pasta.

"This really good Millie." Mary hummed as she ate some of the delicious food. Millie scoffed and waved her hand.

"Oh you're to much Mary." Millie said jokingly as they giggled together. Then Mary stopped and stared at Millie in admiration, shaking her head.

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