- Brown Eyed Girl

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Millie was just a nice person with a nice face

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Millie was just a nice person with a nice face.


Millie and Finn walked in silence for a couple minutes. And the more they walked, the more Finn would remember the days when he was a hopeless 12 year old sneaking out to go hang out with a certain girl.

Pathetic, he thought.

Millie was enjoying the slight breeze on her face and the constant thought of how excited Mary would be when she saw Finn for the first time in forever. She bit her lip to stop herself from grinning like an idiot.

"How much longer again?" Finn questioned as he getting impatient.

"Shouldn't you know, it's your house." Millie smirked as she picked up her pace.

"I haven't been there in like 7 years genius." Finn huffed as he too picked up his pace. Millie rolled her eyes through a smile as she thought of an idea. Out of no where Millie dashed and started running as fast as her petite legs could take her, looking back in laughter.

"What the hell are you doing!" Finn yelled as he threw his arms in the air watching Millie run into the distance.

"Getting there faster!" Millie gasped as she caught her breath and faced him.

"Catch me if you can Wolfhard!" Millie then stuck her tongue out and kept running.

"You're so dead Brown!" Finn laughed as he chased after her, which wouldn't take long since he had the advantage of his long legs.

And for the first time in a very long time Finn Wolfhard felt, content.

All because of one brown eyed girl.


In a matter of 5 minutes of Finn complaining, laughter, and running. Finn and Millie made it to the "Wolfhard" household. Finn sucked in a breath as he looked at the house, something he would only think about when would be in his room, missing the simpler days. It still looked the same, it pulled at his heartstrings. A baby blue house with a chipped white porch with the same swing in the corner. And just beyond that door was his mother, the woman he missed so dearly.

A light hand rubbed his upper arm which caused Finn to flinch. Millie gave him a soft smile as he kept a straight face.

"I'm fine." A strange feeling started forming in the core of his stomach. All the possibilities of what might happen beyond that door racing through his mind. His head got heated and frantic.

Millie looked at the way Finn was closed his eyes and sucked in a breath. She wondered how many times a day would he get like this. The more she watched the more her heart took over her logical thinking. It was a risky move, but she knew he needed it. Millie brought the hand she once was reassuring him and reached down to his jittery hands.

Finn took his focus off of his thoughts and to the warm hand intertwining their clammy hands together. Millie's hand were so small and somehow comforting, and as much as his head told him to pull away, he didn't. Instead he squeezed her hand gently and nodded.

"I'm fine."

Millie let his hesitant words be and walked to the mahogany door, hands still locked. Soon enough the chiming of the doorbell ringed in their ears. Millie felt him tense as they waited for an answer. She rubbed his hand with her thumb and shot a smile to him. He looked down at her with his usual straight face, a minuscule turn of the corners of his lips but Finn turned around at the sound of the doorknob twisting.

He let go of Millie's hand and the cool air caused tingles to erupt. Soon enough the door opened and there stood Mary Wolfhard as clear as day. She looked just as he remembered, her dark hair resting right below her ears, but now shiny grey hairs were sprinkled throughout. She still had a hollow face, quite like Finns, her skin hung a little with wrinkles under her eyes and at the corners of her mouth. She wore those same button up shirts and dated jeans. It sure was his mother.

"Hi mom." Finn spoke with a quiet voice, like if he was a scared puppy. Mary gasped as she covered her mouth with her hand. She glanced at Millie who was just smiling at back at her.

"Oh ny god" Mary let out a small cry as she hugged Finns broad shoulders, her head rested upon them. Finn just hugged her back as she pulled away and put her hand on his cheeks.

"I can't believe it, you're here." She said as her voice shook, ready to cry again. Finn nodded as he grinned. Finn sighed happily as all the nerves disappeared. Here he was back home with his mom and Millie, what he would mourn every night for the first few years.

"Well come in, I mean I really wasn't expecting this." Mary laughed as she hurried the teens into the living room. The nostalgic smell of citrus orange hit him and brought him back to all those years ago.

"Make yourself back at home sweetie, and you too Millie." Finn admired the moment, as his mother spoke so sweetly as she got water and snacks, how cushiony the old floral couches were.

"Oh Finn look at this!" Millie brought a picture frame that was on top of the chimney. It was picture of them, when they were at their first middle school dance. Finn was in a light brown corduroy suit with a light blue sweater and a red bow tie. Millie had a dress the same color as his sweater, but with magenta polka dots and it puffed up at the sleeves. Finn stood strangely stiff next to Millie with a arm around her small shoulders and a awkward smile, and Millie smiled making her dimples pop.

Finn cringed as he saw how much of a dork he was.

"I cant believe I could look so similar to a frog" Millie laughed out loud at his comment as she kept looking at more pictures and Finn just being completely embarrassed. But the more he looked at Millie and his mom on the couch looking at him butt naked but causing Millie to smile, made him not care as much.

AN: wow she's alive. sorry again but posting this now because after S3 i'm gonna die. but this is different level of trash but comment if you're still gonna keep reading to see if i should continue.

- Dani <3

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