- Worth It

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He forgot about the past and the consequences of the future, he just cared about now

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He forgot about the past and the consequences of the future, he just cared about now.


Millie was reluctant at first, not really a party person anymore. Don't get her wrong, she loved people and having a good time. Within her small friend group she was the "party animal." Millie could get wild and make anything fun with her attitude. But behind the outgoing, happy personality she protrayed. She was shy and insecure. Everyone's possible judgements going through her head. And with her not being the most liked person at school, high school parties just weren't the perfect scenario. But as usual Sadie convinced her to go and that it was gonna be "badass".

So here they are, Millie dressed in a deep cut white v-neck shirt. With the sleeves puffed, and dark washed mom jeans. And Sadie in high waisted shorts, a red crop top and a over sized hawaiian button up. Sitting in Sadie's hand me down car in front of the popular Jennifer Hayes, mansion of a house. Millie had knots in her stomach as she looked at herself for the millionth time in the passenger mirror.

"Mills you look so gorgeous come on it's gonna be fun." The redhead encouraged as she unlocked the car and stepped out. The bass of the music vibrating even outside, colorful lights seeping through every window, and the drunken chatter of high school students. Typical highschool party, really cliche. Millie nodded as she stood by Sadie and linked their arms together.

"Now we are gonna have real fun."


Not even an hour has passed and Sadie was already a little bit too tipsy and was clinging on to Millie like a koala. Millie had only had a drink or two of some strange punch, but she was still somewhat in her right mind.

"Millieee, do you know where Caleb is." Her best friend slurred as she kept giggling like a middle school girl. Millie groaned as she tried to make Sadie stand up and not put all her weight on her own frail body. It was getting a little much so sadly she had to do what she needed to do.

"Yes! I saw him over there by the bathroom." Millie pointed in a random direction that sent Sadie smiling like and idiot and somewhat running off in the direction. Millie sighed and shook her arms as she leaned back on the counter. She knew this was gonna happen, which is why she didn't want to come but she couldn't let Sadie down. Millie's mind went to the certain raven haired boy. The whole time he looked happy. Like he was starting to actually warm up to her, as if they were little kids again. Now, he just closed off, again. They're back at square 1.

She frowned, what did she do? Or maybe Sadie was right; he never cared, he just used her. Drinking the red liquid that was described as "pure fuel" burned her throat, she needed water. Millie walked over to the coolers in the corner of the kitchen just to find beers and Smirnoffs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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