Chapter Four

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Six's POV

Her frame didn't define her, out of all the Dauntless leaders she was easily the most bossy.

"So, who's up first?" Zeke spoke up, he was a total joker. He had a family and he was only 21! He was married to Shauna and they had a three year old daughter. Kloe was a lot like her parents already.

"Well I would volunteer Mar, but as she's kinda pregnant I can't." Uriah said sadly. I nodded before I took in what he was saying.

"Oh my God congratulations!" Me, Shauna and Chris all squealed and hugged Marlene until we remembered that the initiates were standing in front of us.

"I'll go first," Will decided and I turned to get him a sling and undo the straps. Will climbed in the way most people do, face first on his stomach. I tightened up the straps and let him go as he yelled.

"If any of you are scared of heights, go to the back." The only peole who moved were Caden and Imogen and they smiled at each other. Gradually the line dwindled down and the only people left on the roof were Marlene, Four, Imogen, Caden and I. I looked at Four.

"I know you're afraid of heights but can you do it tonight?" He nodded swiftly and let me strap him in. I could feel him shaking as I did them up and I bent down and whispered to him,

"Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up." He gave me a weak smile and we both pointed to the spot on our biceps where we had got our first identical tattoos, saying exactly that. I let Four go adn turned to face Imogen, Cade and Marlene.

"Four and myself, along with a lot of people at Dauntless are Divergent. You two know what that means as no-one who isn't Divergent who chooses Dauntless is scared of heights. I'm not, but I'm the only Divergent, as far as I know, that isn't. Imogen, I know you are, and it doesn't matter as we treat you all equally, but Caden, are you. I need to know as we find it easier to put Divergent's against each other, as it's fair, or work together as you'd be an amazing team together."

Cade spoke, "yes I'm Divergent, and I know this isn't remotely related but is it okay for two transfers to have a relationship?" He asked shyly and blushed. Mar laughed and answered for me as I felt myself blush as well.

"Yes, it's perfectly fine and Six is turning beetroot red right now as even though it's okay for two initiates to date, her and Four broke the rules. Four was her instructor and they had a little fling which they didn't manage to hide easily. Uriah and I had them sussed from the start." Imogen and Cade laughed and I could tell I was bright red as I swatted Mar on the arm. I could already tell that Cade like Immy, He smiled at her a lot.

"Okay so that was us letting you know you can be friends with us. Oh and Cade, Immy likes you back so just get together already." Imogen blushed. I had them sussed snd it was blatantly obvious I was spot on.

"Right, we can go down the stairs, I'm not letting you go down together and I know you won't go separately. Everyone else is already heading back to the dorms so do what you like and I'll see you tommorow."

Imogen grabbed Cade's hand, and Mar and I laughed at how surprised, yet happy he looked. We walked down the steps and Marlene and I were talking about initiation.

"Yeah, so this year, there's gunna be three stages, first, physical fighting.  They still have to fight each other.  During physical training we teach knife throwing.  we rank the transfers and DB together and then, instead of continuing keep DB and transfers separate, you and Four are taking the top nine, and Uriah and I take the bottom." I nodded then continued where Marlene left off.

"Stage two, fear landscapes, this year, the sim is Divergent proof, no cheating. The rankings are released, the points from stage one added on to stage two. The rankings are final, but some bonus points are given out in stage three but not enough to stir things up too much. Stage three, teamwork. Only bonus points awarded, nothing major, but it's compulsory, people in other factions are taught that you can make other people feel inferior and boss them around, but that's not how it's going to work in Dauntless."

We reached the bottom of the stairs and started walking towards our apartments, leaving Imogen and Cade to do as they pleased. I entered Four and I's apartment and found him sat on the bed on his laptop. I looked over his shoulder too see he was on his emails.

"The jobs on offer this year," he said, after turning around to kiss me lightly.

Two places on Dauntless leadership.

Two initiation instructors. (Marlene and Uriah leaving the job to look after their child, will look after the tattoo shop.)

Three tattoo artists. (Tori retiring and two more needed anyways.)

Five gate patrol.

Four clothing shop assistants.

One cook.

One computer control room.

There were actually some interesting jobs this year. Four finished on his laptop and turned to face me.

"Fear facing time?" I nodded. We had been going into our fear landscapes for years, always mine first. We got through my fear landscape quickly. I moved my neck to the side and Four injected me, before I took a needle and injected Four. I passed my fears really quickly.


Inability to escape.

Being out of control.

Friends and enemies joining together to betray me.


Watching my family die.

I had gotten over my seventh fear easily. It was my fear that Four only wanted me for my body but once I got to know him, I realised he didn't. After leaving my fear landscape, we entered Four's. People called Four Four because he only had Four fears.


Killing the innocent.


And being beaten up by Marcus Eaton.

His father. Four moved from Abnegation to Dauntless, to change. To stop being Tobias Eaton and become someone else. The same reason I left. To become someone else. I'm not Beatrice Prior, I'm Six. Tobias and I were two of the very few Abnegation that had ever switched faction, and the only two to ever choose Dauntless. His fears went by quickly. We walked back to our apartment hand in hand, and after an intense make out session we went to sleep, ready for initiation tommorow.


So sorry for my overuse of the words Four and quickly in this!!!

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