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Lucas threw himself onto his bed, chucking his backpack down with a "thud!" "Ugh!" he groaned and started to think about all this, his relationship with Max that is. To put it simply, he didn't like her like that anymore. He still wanted to be friends with her, of course! But he wasn't in love. I want to break up with her, he thought, without breaking her heart. That's when he heard his walkie talkie go off. "Hey, Lucas!" It was Dustin "Wanna have a sleepover at my place? We haven't hung out that much recently, just the two of us, that is" "Sure!" Lucas replied, Dustin wanting to hang out with him gave him a fuzzy feeling in his chest, he decided to ignore it. "I'll be there in 15 minutes!" "OK! See you then." Lucas packed his backpack with pjs toothbrush etc. and threw it on his back, he then grabbed his adidas sneakers and red jacket as he hopped on his bike and headed to his best friends' house. While he was riding his bike across the road, he peered over to the wooded area next to him, that's when he heard it. It was faint, like it was coming from very far away, but when he got closer to the tree line, he saw a little white puppy with brown spots. He was limping and howling faintly. "Oh my god!" Lucas announced and scooped the puppy up in his arms. He steered his bike with one arm, holding the puppy in the other and speeded over to Dustins house. KNOCKKNOCKKNO- "Hey!" Dustin greeted him "What's with the dog?" "Your mom has a soft spot for animals, right?" "Yeah, wh-" Lucas pushed his way through the Door and into the living room where he found Ms. Henderson stroking her new cat, the one that replaced mews after the...incident. "Um, I found this wounded puppy on my way over here do you think we can take him to the vet?" Lucas asked, "Why of course!" Before Lucas knew it they were on their way to the vets office. Dustin and him were in the back of the car with the puppy laying on their laps. At first Lucas was just looking at the dog, petting its tummy, etc. but soon he found himself staring at his friend. He stared at Dustins dopey grin as he played with the puppy, at his adorable curls, WAIT did he just think dustins hair was adorable?! No he meant...something else, surely he did. Lucas went back to petting the dog. Soon enough they were all in a vet waiting room, Lucas calling his mom on the phone to ask to keep the puppy, Spot, he liked that name. At first he offered Ms. Henderson the dog, but she said she was afraid of how him and the cat would interact. "Hey, mom!" "Hello Lucas? Where are you!" "I'm at the vets office, I found a little puppy with a broken leg and no place to go, please can we keep him?" "When I pick you up tomorrow morning, I'll decide if we get to keep it, ok?" "OK" Lucas replied they said their I love yous and hung up the phone. Lucas sat down on the waiting room couch next to Dustin. There was a coffee table in front of them with all sorts of pet magazines, pretty far in front of that was the front desk with a bowl of peppermints on top of it. Just to the right of them was a glass door that led to outside. Then, finally a vet came out with spot in his arms. "It was just a gash on his back right leg, a pretty easy fix" "Oh, thank you!" Lucas said and grabbed the puppy and held him in his arms. They were soon back in dustins bedroom ready for bed and in their sleeping bags, of course Lucas always said that Dustin should just sleep on his bed and Lucas could sleep in a sleeping bag but Dustin always said that that as boring, they would be too far away to even have a proper conversation. Of course, today was different, as there was a puppy laying in between them. 'You know" Lucas said "I've been thinking and I just don't really like max the way I used to, I Wanna break up with her, but don't Wanna hurt her feelings, what do I do?" Lucas could've sworn he thought he saw Dustin grin, but it was dark, so he couldn't really tell. "Well in my opinion I think you should tell her that you love her in a different way, a friendly way, just so that you can break up with her but she won't be so let down." "That' actually a really good idea Dustin, thanks!" " no problem." Dustin said, not believing his luck. Eventually, they fell asleep, cuddled up together and with spot.

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