ch. 5

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Dustins up all night, a million thoughts going through his head, but theres one that's most prominent. Lucas. It's not like this is an uncommon occurrence, he thinks about Lucas a lot, especially back before he could place what his feelings for him were. This time though, he wants to admit his feelings to Lucas. He's terrified, scared that he'll get rejected and scared that Lucas would hate him, but, one thing you wouldn't imagine Dustin would be scared of. He was scared that Lucas felt the same way. Think about it, them being a couple was Dustins dream, but it was also scary, how would people react, the party, his own mother? Or would he even tell his mom? It was all to much for Dustin to even think about, let alone actually do. Plus, what if Lucas hates him for it? The person he loves most in the whole world, ripped away from him, disgusted by him? Dustin couldn't handle that! You know what, Dustin thought, I might as well tell him. Now, a normal person would think this was crazy! He went through all the cons and none of the pros and decided he wanted this? But there was just one thought in Dustins head now. Lucas, and this time would be the last time he thought about him and wished, wished Lucas was in love with him, wished he didn't love Lucas, wished he could go back in time to when they were just best friends, with no feelings of love. The next time he would think about Lucas, he would think about how glad he was to be in love with him. He grabbed his Supercom off his nightstand and spoke into it "Hey, Lucas, are you there? Over" "Yeah, I'm here, what's up?" Lucas asked sleepily. "I need to talk to you, be in your backyard in 15 minutes?" "okay?" Lucas answered confused. Dustin jumped on his bike, no time to change out of his pajamas, and rode to Lucas' house, terrified but excited. Lucas ran to his backyard after changing into something warmer. What could Dustin possibly need to tell him that couldn't wait till the morning? He sits in the grass by his fence and waits for about 5 minutes until he hears the sound of a bike hitting the ground, he looks up and sees Dustin, still in his pajamas, short sleeves with no jacket in the middle of fall, "Jesus, Dustin, sit down, I'm gonna go get you a blanket before you freeze to death!" He said and stood up going into the house, careful not to wake anyone and grabbing a fluffy baby blue blanket. "okay" He said, sitting down and giving him the blanket. "What's on your mind?" he said noticing how Dustin's blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight. That's when he really started rambling. "Okaysolikeireallyreallylikeyoulucasandihaveforawhilenowandidontknowiwaswonderingifmaybeyoufeltthesame?" "Slow down Dustin, what?" Lucas interrupted him. "I like you Lucas" Dustin said "Like more than a friend." At this point he was ready for rejection, ready to be told he was gross, ready for the person he loved most to be gone forever. What he got instead, surprised him to no end. "Me too" Lucas said. "Wait, really?" "Yeah really." Lucas replied as they both looked into each others eyes. Dustin didn't know when or how it happened, but they started getting closer, and closer. Until their lips met, Dustin couldn't believe it! He had dreamed of this moment for so long and it was finally happening! As quickly as it happened it was over, it was just a quick peck but it was enough for both boys to blush wildly. "I love you Lucas." "I love you too." 

I honestly feel like this chapter is just bad? like it seems rushed to me but idk comment what you think i guess.

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