CH 4

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(I know this is SUPER short but this is all i wanted this chapter to be so here)

Lucas couldn't handle it, he had to get out of this relationship. So, he snuck out, of course making sure not to wake spot. His mom had ended up letting him keep the dog when she saw how happy it made Lucas. He hopped on his bike and rode down through the twisting road and into Max's backyard. TAP TAP TAP! It was rocks against max's window, who was at her house at 4am?!?! She groggily got up and opened her curtains and widows TAP! A rock hit her smack dab in the nose! "OUCH"!? She whispered. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry are you ok"?!?!!! It was Lucas. "It's ok, I'm fine, why are you here"? she asked. "Well I'm here to tell you I love you, but just as a friend." Lucas said looking around, anywhere but Max. "Thank god!" "No offence Lucas, but I just don't feel a romantic connection to you anymore, but just like you said I do love you, as a friend. I've been trying to break up with you for like a week!" "Oh, good." Lucas said, see you tomorrow then"? "Yeah, see you, stalker." Max replied lovingly, closing her window and laying down. Her head was against the pillow eyes closed, she was exhausted! But she couldn't sleep. She liked El like LIKE LIKED El. She was scared, scared like Dustin of his crush on Lucas, Scared Like Will of his crush on Mike, Scared like Lucas of his own thoughts, because that one thought keeps coming up. Why did I think Dustin's hair was cute? Why did I think HE was cute? And unknown to you, scared like Mike was with his crush on Will. The one person who wasn't scared. El. El Hopper was raised in a lab, El Hopper didn't know girls weren't supposed to like other girls, but El Hopper loved Max Mayfield, more than she had "loved" Mike Wheeler. Max stayed up the next 3 hours, until her alarm rang sharp and loud in her ears, she hadn't realized she was crying, not until the alarm brought her back to reality. 

Do I love you? -HenclairWhere stories live. Discover now