xxiv. WE'RE HERE!

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"We're here!"

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"We're here!"

Everybody turned to look towards the door as it was slammed opened. Feye, Daniel, and Freddie all came in out of breath, looking around the house desperately as they were looking for their parents. Their eyes came upon everyone, all waving in synch.

"Uncle Brian. Uncle Deaky. Aunt Mary," Feye breathed out. "Gwilym, Joe, Lucy, Rami, Dad's lookalike, Mom's lookalike. Nice to meet you."

"Very nice to meet you all," Freddie let out as he lent against the doorway, letting out shallow breaths. "Where's Mom and Dad?"

"Did you guys run here?" Brian questioned, holding in a laugh.

"This asshole's car wasn't working," Daniel pointed a thumb at Feye who glared at him. "We ran here as soon as Leilani sent the message that our mom took off her ring."

"Our mom never, ever takes off her ring. If she did, we need to stop them from separating," Feye said before he turned to look at his younger brothers. "Dani you are going to block the door if dad tries to leave. Fred, you're gonna put their song on. And I will say their vows."


They all looked at the room.

"1, 2, 3."

They immediately ran towards their parents room, opening the door to see Roger on his knees next to Gisele's side, holding her hands as she cried.

"Fred music!" Feye yelled. "Dani door!"

The youngest did as they were told, Dani immediately spreading his arms and legs to block the door. Fred immediately headed towards the Bluetooth his parents kept in their room, immediately connecting his phone. He hit play, Feye snorting when he saw what the playlist's name was.

"Seriously?" Fred smirked when he saw his older brother looking over his shoulder. "Marriage Issues?"

"It's the best I could come up with."

"Boys—" Gisele was about to say something but got cut off by her older son. Everybody outside watched with amused faces at what was happening.

"Nope. Nope. We're gonna put on music until you both apologize and you mom put on your ring and you guys can have sex or shit like that," Feye stood in front of his parents as the song, "Love of my Life" played. Roger and Gisele looked at each other before staring back at their son who stood in front of them. "I— yeah I don't know your vows."

"Don't you have a family to go to, Fey?" Gisele asked with an amused face.

"My family is here isn't it?" Feye smiled, sitting down next to his mom. "Maria said she can take care of the baby."

"What happened?" Freddie sat down in front of them, putting a leg up.

"Your stupid father got jealous," Gisele rolled her eyes, feeling Roger place the ring back on her finger. "We screamed. He said something. Told him to pick his stuff up tomorrow. Leilani and Lucy called Mary who called Deaky."

"Are you guys good now?"

"We're Roger and Gisele," Roger smiled at the blue-head. "We're always good since the very beginning. From your mother in that pub to the way her fingers played the guitar. To the way her hair framed her perfect face. She was perfect."

"This is getting way too cliche," Freddie smirked, feeling Daniel sitting next to him. They didn't notice the band, Mary, and the cast standing on the door frame.

"And you had that stupendous long, blond hair," Gisele smiled. "All girls were over him."

"But those girls didn't match your mother at all."

The other left the family alone, heading towards the kitchen with Brian next to Gwilym, Deaky next to Joe as they both talked, Mary was with Lucy and Rami, and then there was Ben and Leilani who were both still holding hands. His hands were rough against hers, like sandpaper. Her hands were smooth, her almost bitten off nails making him shake his head with a smile.

"So are you guys together?" Deaky questioned. Ben looked at Leilani before looking back at Deaky.

"Not yet."


might do another roger
taylor/ben hardy fanfic...
and also congrats on borhap
for being nominated for 7
BAFTA Awards 💀💀💀

also... im in love with
joe mazzello. when i was
little, i used to like joe on
jurassic and acted as if he
was my boyfriend 😂 im
not ashamed.

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