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You know the story right?

You know, the story of a boy who lives on an island with these other kids where they never age?

Peter Pan? Ever heard of him?


Well I'm here to tell you he's real. The island, the whole time not existing and never aging thing, it's a real place.

How do I know? Well, I kinda got carried here with my friend Jason. Not by Peter Pan though, his shadow. And his shadow is not the nicest.

Now I know it's only supposed to be boys that get carried here, so you're probably asking how I got carried here with him. To be honest, I have no freaking clue.

I mean I've heard of stories where Peter Pan actually isn't the nicest person you'll ever meet and that the guy is actually ruthless. So I am truly and honestly so scared to see which Peter Pan is the real one.

We've been sitting in a sand dune on the beach for what feels like about 5 minutes when a teenage boy walked towards us. He looked about 15 maybe, he could pass for 16 if he wanted. I'm pretty sure this isn't Peter Pan. This guy, is one of his lost boys.

"You," He points to me and motions for me to get up with his weapon, "Come with me. Now."

I quickly got up the best I could considering I was somewhat tied up. He grabs my arm firmly and walks me up a path. He stares at me and does a once over out the corner of his eye. I look down at the ground and try not to wince in pain since the place he's currently grabbing has a bruise. Won't tell him that though, no one needs to know about that.

"When we get there, speak when spoken to. Do not question him, understood?" The lost boy said to me. I guess we were getting close. So I quickly nodded my head and kept it towards the ground. He chuckled in satisfaction. I could hear him say under his breath, "He's gonna like you."

We finally came to a clearing in the forest and there sat the cutest white boy I've ever seen in my life on a throne made out of tree bark.

We finally came to a clearing in the forest and there sat the cutest white boy I've ever seen in my life on a throne made out of tree bark

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I knew this guy was the one who would be deciding my fate. So this was Peter Pan? I like the view, but I definitely can't say that out loud.

He looks at me and stands up. He's about 6'4 from what I can tell with my 5'6 height. He walks towards me and instructs the lost boy to let me go. Once he does, Peter began to walk around me in a circle. When he finally came back to face me, my head was still facing the ground, scared to even try to look him in his eyes.

"So you came with your buddy huh?"

I nodded and shuffled my feet a little. He chuckled, and lifted my head up with his finger.

"Are you scared of me?" His voice was deeper than i expected, but right now it was gentle. He seemed about 18 but I knew better. I know he had to be older than that.

I looked him in his eyes and lowly said, "Y-y-yes."

"Good girl." He bit his lip, gosh he was cute but so intimidating at the same time. He untied me, I guess to see if I would run at the chance, but I was too scared too.

I looked down and back up at him. He flashed a tiny smile and asked, "Why didn't you run?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked away from him.

"I f-figured I w-would get hurt i-i-if I did." He smirks and looks at the lost boys who I never noticed made a circle around us.

"Such a good girl." He whispers in my ear and runs his hands through my hair. He then uses that hand to trace down my side. My breathing became more uneven than it already was.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you. You haven't done anything wrong...... yet." He touched a bruise on my arm and I winced. Sadly, he caught on and lifted up the long sleeve of my shirt to see the big bruise I've had for days now. Along with the others that were fading away.

"Did that boy you came with do this to you?" I shook my head no. He looked me in my eyes and decided he believed me. At least I hope he did.

"You sure?" I slowly nodded my head as he pulled the sleeve back down. He sat back down on his throne and thought to himself for a moment. The lost boy who brought me took a place next to me while the others spread out a little bit.

"I'm gonna let you and your buddy go back home." I looked up surprised. He was just going to let us go like that? I'm shocked.

"However," He gets back up and pulls me to him, "I'm gonna visit you in a couple days. Is that ok with you?" He bites his lip as I nod and look down. I'm sure he could feel me shaking against him in fear. I was scared for my life, and Jason's.

"You're gonna be my good girl. Okay?" I looked up at him again surprised. He chuckled and then continued, "I'm drawn to you for some odd reason. Your submissiveness does something to me." He grabs my hand and kisses it. I'm still shocked at the somewhat buff boy in front of me but in spite of me being scared, I manage to turn red through my medium brown skin anyway.

"Leo!" The lost boy who brought me here walks up to us. I look down again in fear, this can not be happening right now. What if he's joking and I'm really about to die? I think I'm about to die, and so is Jason. Oh no. We're both about to die.

"Hold down the island till I get back. I'm going to personally take her home."

He nods and then starts telling the other lost boys what to do. Peter looks at me and then reaches for my hand again. I put my shaking hand in his as he begins to lift off the ground and take me back the way I came. I began looking for Jason when he says to me, "The shadow already took your friend back. He's fine." I sigh in relief and watch as the sea becomes the town I lived in once again. We eventually get to my window and he places me on my bed. He walks up to me and bends down a little to meet my eyes.

"I'll be back in a couple days. Be a good girl for me okay?" I nod and look down. He caresses my cheek and kisses my forehead. Then flies out my window back to Neverland.

This is about to be interesting, and I'm still scared for my life.


1192 words 😭

this is an idea i've been thinking of for a while . i've seen peter pan portrayed in many ways so i figured why not make a version of my own. if you dont like it , dont read it . but if you do please comment and vote . love you guys 💙


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