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She was intriguing, sure girls have accidentally been brought here with a brother or a boyfriend on occasion, but her? I haven't been drawn to a female since Wendy came to Neverland. And that was years ago.

When my lost boys told me she came with her friend due to her trying to save him, I was curious as to who in her right mind would fight my shadow. And when she showed up, I knew she was it. I couldn't keep myself from touching her. It felt so right.

I was sitting on my throne when Leo came up to me. He nodded at the other lost boys and then stopped about 5 feet from where I was sitting.

"What's the update Leo?"

"Sir, its only been 4 hours in her world. She's still sleeping." He waved his hands and then I could see her in the bed I left her on, fast asleep. She looked so at peace, I knew she was scared of me and wanted to figure me out. She can't though, at least not yet.

"Did you find out her name at least?" I lifted myself up to fold my legs under me and then sat back down.

"Jennie, sir. Jennie Bella Monroe."

Well, Jennie Bella Monroe, you'll be mine soon.


I woke up in my bed, forgetting I was brought home by Peter Pan last night. I can't believe I can actually say that, Peter Pan brought me home last night. I feel like Wendy, even though I'm pretty sure that's just the Disney version.

"Oh Bella!"

I quickly sat up, knowing what he would do if I wasn't up when he walked in. He was scary, he hurts me, and honestly I have no where else to go. So I'm stuck.

He walked in, I mean he's a fine specimen of a male don't get me wrong, it's just.......... he isn't the best man in the world.

"Oh, you're up Bella."

I looked down and nodded. I've always been shy, especially around guys. And with him, I was on my guard.

Some days he was so loving towards me, and others, well that's where the bruises come from

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Some days he was so loving towards me, and others, well that's where the bruises come from.

"You not gonna show me any love?"

"Sorry Marco." I got up and kissed him on the cheek. He grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. I learned not to fight him, fighting gets me hurt, and I was tired of being hurt. He kissed my hair and whispered, "That's my girl."

We stood in that position for a while. Our relationship was seriously a whole level of complicated. Everyone tells me to leave, and trust me, I've tried. Marco finds me, tells me we're meant for each other, that no other dude will ever understand me like he does, and he brings me home. With a couple hits and bruises made in the process. He was a little older than me but that's what drew me in when I met him.

Marco saved me from a lot of shit. And I mean alot of shit. He was orginally my bestfriend, and slowly he turned into more. I moved in, and then things changed. I wasn't just his girlfriend anymore, I was the problem, and the punching bag. I eventually became shy and just did whatever Marco said to make him happy, and it's saved me in the long run.

"What do you want to do today, babygirl?" He lifted my sleeves to look at my bruises and traced each one. I tried not to wince but I still did every now and then.

"Anything is f-fine with m-m-me." He chuckled and nodded towards the bed. I laid back down while he took his shirt off and laid in the bed with me. Marco's face landed in my neck and his arms found their way around my waist. He then turned on some music and we just laid there. Every now and then he would kiss me and I'd give a light smile. He would make light conversation and I would reply as best as I could. But honestly, I just want to refrain from getting hurt. These bruises are only just a fraction of it all.


"Boss we found out something."

Leo ran up to me along with two of my other lost boys, Micah and Ken. They all looked kind of scared. That never happens.

"What happened? Is it Jennie?" I looked at their faces and noticed Ken nodded subconsciously.

"She has a boyfriend, but it's not who we thought it was."

My jaw clenched. I've only known this girl for less than a day and she's making me possessive. I take a deep breath and say," Who's the guy?"

"He goes by Marco now, but..."

"Just fucking tell me Leo, why are you so scared to tell me."

He looked at Micah and Ken, then back at me.

"He's Hook boss. Marco is Hook. And he's her boyfriend."

Well then, welcome back to Neverland Hook. Seems like you finally have something of mine.



HI GUYS. I swear im working on All Theirs i'm just having some serious writers block. Plus senior year is creeping on me so uk like college tours and scholarship applications and everything. But i stg i am working on Chapter 10.

Edit: I changed Marco to the guy who played Hook in Once Upon a Time .

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