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It had been a couple days since I had seen Peter. Was I scared to see him again, yes. Was I also scared Marco would find out and beat my ass shitless, yes. Its a lose-lose situation.

I was also curious. I wanted to learn more about Peter, but I'm positive that will never happen. He'll probably get bored of me when another girl lands on the island.

"I'll never get bored of you, wont happen."

I jumped and turned around to see Peter sitting on my windowsill. How did he hear me? Was I talking out loud or something?

"You aren't talking out loud, I can read minds babygirl." He points to his head and smirks, floating off the windowsill and onto my bed, beside me. He takes his hand and places it on my cheek. I unconsciously lean into his hand to feel warmth. He bites his lip and I quickly bring my cheek away from his hand.

"I-I thought you f-f-forgot about m-m-m-me." I stutter a lot when I'm nervous, especially when Im scared like I am right now.

"I could never forget about my good girl, now could I?"

He chuckled and put my hair behind my ears. I looked down, playing with my fingers and avoiding eye contact. I was terrified, I didn't know what Peter could do, and I was too scared to find out.

"I know you have a boyfriend beautiful." My heart stopped and I looked at him, "He's not gonna be able to keep you for long though."

"W-w-what?" He laughs again and places his hand on my cheek, waiting for me to lean into again. I couldn't, like I said, I was fucking terrified.

"He's an old friend...... and now he has something, well someone, I desperately want." He licks his lips and brings his face close to mine and whispers, "And I can't wait to see him again and take you from him."

His lips land on my forehead. He then lingers there for a while, and leans back to look at me, fully. My heart was racing, it was probably loud enough for him to hear in the silence. Once again I look down, only for him to lift my head with his finger.

"One day you won't have to be scared of me anymore." He pulls me into him and wraps his arms around my waist. I gasp, trying to wrap my head around the current situation. I'm also currently trying not to wince in pain from the fresh bruises I received last night. But Peter feels my awkward shifting and his eyes soften.

"Where? And please do not lie to me, I want to help you."

I pull up my shirt and stop before I show my bra. On my stomach are multiple new bruises I received from not kissing him goodnight. Yea, from not kissing him good night. Peter's eyes fill with anger.

"Did he do this to you?" He asks softly. I freeze.

"Did he, do this to you?" Peter repeats himself, but louder and angrier. I look away and rub my arms. I did not want to have this conversation.

"Answer me!"

I jump at him yelling and tears began to fall. I quickly nod and shield myself.

"No, no, no beautiful... I didn't mean to scare you." He walks up to me and squats so he can clearly look at the bruises. One by one, he lightly touches them and they begin to disappear. I feel a small tingle as they fade from my body. Once he hits the last one, he moved my arms so he can pull my shirt down.

"I'll be back soon. And it won't be pretty next time."


I was fuming. Who the hell puts their hands on a beautiful girl like that? She does no wrong, what the hell was Hook thinking? He did that shit to Wendy when he stole her away from me. But that's another story for another day.

I fly back into Neverland and Leo is already waiting for me.

"So what's the plan boss?"

I look at him and I give a laugh that sounds like a crazy maniac. I was fucking furious, she was mine the moment I laid eyes on her and out of all people it was Hook who had her. Hook. Oh, this was gonna be fun, real fun.

"We go back tomorrow, and we fuck his ass up for hurting what's mine."

Leo nods and walks towards the tree house to go inform the lost boys. I sit on my throne, contemplating my next move. She needs to be away from him, as soon as possible. But I didn't want to take her away in the middle of the night again. Oh no, that's too easy.

I want him to watch me take her from him.

He messed with the wrong girl, and this one, just so happens to be mine whether she likes it or not.

I walk into the tree house and see all the lost boys sharpening weapons. I whistle to get all of their attentions.

"No boys we won't need those."

They all look at me confused. Lost boys not fighting Hook with weapons? Yes I know it sounds crazy to them.

"He's in the human realm. He won't expect us coming, so no time to react. It's a surprise attack, we get him with fists."

They still look at me crazy.

"Okay, fine, Micah and Leo will have weapons just in case."

They yell in agreement and start dancing around the living room of our living quarters. This is the lifestyle I was bring my beautiful babygirl into, magic and violence. I'm not the Peter Pan from the stories she grew up with. And the man who she doesn't know that's Hook is still a villain, but not a gentlemen in the slightest. At least the one in the fairytale has respect.

My beautiful Jennie, I hope you're ready to accept me, all of me.

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