Chapter 2

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I unlocked the door to my apartment.

I put the carton on the floor and the three cats scrambled into three directions.

The blonde one started to play with a yarnball. The silver one, which kind of freaked me, was staring at a wall. And the brown one was playing with my brother's iron man figurines.

Yoongi. My dead brother...(A/N: please don't hate me)


"Yura, I'll come back within a few days okay?" My brother told me as he was leaving through the front door.

"Okay bro. Love you!!" I yelled, without ungluing my eyes from the TV.

He smiled."Love you too." He replied and left.

Those were his last words to me..

2 hours later

I received a call from 911.. I kinda freaked out.. Why would they call me?

I shakily picked up the phone.


"Hi. Is this Min Yura?" A female voice.

"I'm officer Mina. Is Min Yoongi your brother by any chance?"

I thought my heart stopped right there.

"Y-yes. Why??" I asked, on the verge of tears,

"I'm sorry to say but your brother is no more. The bus he was on had an accident and we discovered his body but it was already too late. I'm extremely sorry." The officer replied.

My world was over. I felt myself getting numb.

"Hello? Miss Yura? Can you hear me? Hello??"


"Umm, if you want to see your brother's...dead body...please come at xxxxxx location please."

Then the phone disconnected . I dropped the phone from my hands. The world seemed to stop for me. I remembered when he left. It was my last time seeing him.

I regretted. Only if I could tell him how much I loved him.

My body started trembling. My lips were quivering. I started sobbing hysterically.

"WAE???!!!!!!" I screamed.

Why was the most precious being of my life taken from me? Why was the world so cruel??

After our parents died, Yoongi was the only person I had in this world. And he too, was now gone.

Day of Yoongi's funeral

I put flowers on his grave.

I started crying once again.

I love you Yoongs......

                          *flashback over*

I plopped myself on the couch. I sighed and buried my face in my hands. What had I done?

How could I quit my job like that? And now I had three cats to look after.

Buzz Buzz.

My phone was ringing. It was Namjoon.

I decided to ignore it.

Oh boy. He gave me 37 missed calls and 15 messages. I just turned my phone off.

I looked at the cats and sighed again. I got up and went to take a shower.

After shower

I came out of the shower only with a towel wrapped around me.

As I was taking clothes from my closet, I heard cat calls.

I turned around and gasped.

The cats were staring at me.

I started having second thoughts about bringing the cats home. Are they perverts??


I quickly took the clothes and went to the bathroom.

I figured it was safe to dress there.

When I came out, the cats were minding their own business.

My stomach started growling. So I went to make myself some dinner.

Then I remembered that the cats must be hungry, so I took a large bowl and poured milk in it and placed it in my living room floor while I made myself some ramen.

The cats ran to the bowl and started licking the milk and making cute noises.

I cooed over how cute they looked. When they finished, they looked at me as if they wanted more.

So I gave them some more milk.

After we finished our dinner, I picked up the cats and took them to bed.

The cats were snuggling beside me. And I fell asleep..

Little did I know what was gonna happen tomorrow......

Sooooo how was chapter 2?? Please comment and vote....

And remember ....

You nice keep going😘

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