Chapter 14

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Namjoon groaned,hardly noticing the female on top of him.

Meanwhile, Yura let out a squeal and quickly stood up and started brushing off her clothes.

Namjoon on the other hand,was having a hard time sitting up and gestured Yura to help him get up.

The three were shook.

Who was this guy?

For the first time in all this time,Namjoon noticed the three well built tall,when two tall and one slightly short men.

It took him a while to register what was going on.

"Care to explain this and who these three are?" Namjoon tutted,his arms across this chest,nodding at Yura and then facing the trio.

The three boys,in fear and confusion,didn't dare to look up at Namjoon,and were slightly going behind Yura.

"They are my-" Yura began to say.

"Pets." Taehyung spoke,for the first time.

"What?" Namjoon asked,with confusion and surprise.

Yura sighed. Now she finally had to explain everything.

15 mins later:

"So you mean,you're three cats who got cursed and now are humans?" Namjoon asked the three and they nodded vigorously.

"Mr.Kim,I mean Namjoon,these are the 'friends' I was talking about" Yura said.

"Oh. But why didn't you tell me this before?" Namjoon asked her frustratedly, his eyebrows creased together.

"You think you would react normally if I said that I was living with three random men?" Yura chuckled.

The three flinched slightly at the word random.

Yura noticed and quickly corrected herself.

"I mean three men?" She said and Namjoon nodded.

"Well I'm Kim Namjoon,Yura's boss." Namjoon smiled and extended his hand towards the three.

The three stared at his hand and then again at his face. Namjoon didn't know that the three weren't used to formal hand gestures.

So Jungkook not knowing what to do,hugged him instead.

Namjoon froze in his position. What the frick was he supposed to do?

"Hi,I'm Jungkook." He cooed.

"I'm Taehyung." The blonde said and joined in the hug.

"And I'm Jimin!!" He exclaimed and tightly hugged them three.

Namjoon felt like his lungs were about to burst at any moment. Meanwhile Yura stood in the distance and giggled at the cute scene going on in front of her.

After a moment,they had finally let go of him.

"So,uh,Jimin,Taehyung and Jungkook,would you like to drink or eat something?" Namjoon politely asked and the three glanced at Yura.

"How about some milk and cookies?" Yura suggested and their eyes lit up.

Namjoon smiled and nodded.

Some hours went by and all five of them had a fun time,knowing each other and telling jokes. Meanwhile, Yoongi watched from a distance and smiled.

"I hope they'll be okay." He whispered to himself.

3 hours later:

After all that fun,Namjoon drove Yura and the boys home.

While the three were giggling excitedly in the back, Yura and Namjoon were having small talk.

As Namjoon pulled up to her building, he got nervous.

"So um, Yura, I had to uh,ask you something?" Namjoon said,feeling himself go red.

"Hm?" Yura nodded at him.

"So if you're free this weekend, uh, wouldyouliketogooutwithme?" He said,spewing the last words as fast as he could.

The three boys,oblivious to what was happening continued their talking.

"Yeah sure." Yura smiled and nodded.

"Great." Namjoon smiled.

Yura turned around.

"Boys it's time to go. Say thank you to hyung." She said.

"Thank you Namjoon hyung!" The three said in unison,making him chuckle.

"You're welcome." He said,smiling and the four went inside the building,hand in hand.

Hope you liked it.💜yeah I didn't proofread it sorry.

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