Chapter 12

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Yura's POV:

"Yoongi,are you crying?" I asked,surprised,because I  had never seen Yoongi cry,except for when our parents died.

"No I'm not." Yoongi replied,facing the other way so we couldn't see.

I chuckled at my brother's failing attempts to hide his tears.

"It's okay to cry Yoongi hyung." Taehyung said,wiping his own tears.

I  glanced at the trio. All three of them got emotional,but Jimin was bawling his eyes out.

I went over to them and gave them a hug.

"It's okay guys. Now you know your hyung doesn't hate you right? And now we all can be happy." I said,smiling at them.

"We?" Jimin asked turning his head to face me,with teary eyes.

"We all? Are we going to stay with you forever Noona?" Jimin asked,with hope in his eyes.

Yes. I was going to let them stay with me. Over the span of  few days,I had grown attached to them. They were like my brothers,and they would stay with me when Yoongi would leave. They would fill the empty void of my life and be the happiness I longed for. Although I didn't know how I was going to do it.

"Yes." I nodded,and they hugged me tighter and I giggled.

A Few Weeks Later:

3rd Person's POV:

Yoongi sighed and looked out the window.

As much as was enjoying his days on earth,it hurt him every time thinking that his days of enjoyment were coming to an end.

He just wasn't ready to go. He wanted to stay longer.

He wanted to the boys grow and wanted to see his sister get married.

But he couldn't. And it pained him thinking of it.

How was Yura going to handle the boys while he wouldn't be there?

He could feel tears coming to eyes when suddenly a voice interrupted him.

"Hyung?" Yoongi turned around to face Jungkook,who was standing right behind him with a look of worry.

It was no doubt that amongst the three boys, Jungkook was Yoongi's favourite. Although he annoyed Yoongi a lot,Yoongi still loved him. And the fact that they shared some interests,yes that includes their love for Iron man,helped a lot.

"Yes Jungkook?" He said in a soft voice,trying his best to swallow his tears.

"Are you sad?" Jungkook asked,tilting his head slightly and staring intently into Yoongi's eyes.

"No,why would I?" Yoongi lied.

"Hyung you can't lie to me. I can clearly see you're sad." Jungkook replied,making his way next to sit to Yoongi.

Yoongi sighed and nodded.

"I was just thinking Kook,what is going to happen when I leave? Who is going to take care of Yura? How will she handle everything?" Yoongi said,a tad close to bursting into tears.

Jungkook felt very hurt seeing his hyung sad.

He took Yoongi's hand and looked at him again.

"Hyung I promise you, that I will take of Noona. I won't let anyone hurt her and I will make sure to always keep her happy." He said,giving Yoongi a sad smile.

"You promise?" Yoongi asked.

"I promise." Jungkook replied,squeezing Yoongi's hand even more.

Just then a loud shriek from the kitchen interrupted their wonderful moment.

Yoongi groaned.

"I swear to god,those boys may be older than you,but they are definitely not mature." Yoongi muttered.

Jungkook chuckled at his words.

"Let's go check what disaster they caused now,shall we?" Jungkook smiled as they both walked out of the room to see what the chaos was all about.

Everyone please keep Yoongi in your prayers and wish for his fast recovery. Get well soon Yoongi💜

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