Chapter Three - A Coinless Battle

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"Now that you've proven yourself..."

Pau barely paid attention to what Jaeger was saying. He stared at the glimmering sword in his hand. It sparkled like a fresh layer of snow, leaving its newfound owner in complete awe over its beauty. A tiny smile made its way onto his face, his eyes widening slightly as he continued to examine the lovely blade. His heart pounded as he turned his wrist, allowing him to get a better look at the other side of the blade, causing the metal to reflect the bright sunlight. The pure elegance the sword displayed was enough to make Pau let out an infatuated sigh.

"- and you should probably take a few people with you, just in case it's not something you can handle alone."

Pau forced his gaze away from his sword, blinking rapidly.

"Does that sound alright?" Jaeger wore a peaceful smile as he concluded his suggestion.

"Oh, uh..." Pau cleared his throat, panic rising in his chest. "Y-Yes, of course. Sounds good to me."

Jaeger smiled brightly, starting to lead Pau out of the tent. "Great! I'm sure you'll love to have a chance to test out your shiny new blade, right?"

Oh gods, Pau thought. What have I gotten myself into?

"Eriko!" Jaeger called, causing the young soldier to come into sight and begin running toward the pair.

"Sir!" Eriko stood up straight in front of his leader, his hands behind his back. "What can I do for you?"

Jaeger chuckled at Eriko's formality. "Listen, boy. I want you to accompany Pau on his first ever mission."

Pau felt his blood freeze.

"Oh, alright!" the axe fighter chirped. "What's the mission?"

"You, Pau, and one other will be driving royal soldiers out of Northtown and tending to any injured civilians."

Pau was slightly relieved. He at least knew what he was doing now.

Wait... One other? he thought. "Who else is going with us?"

Just as Jaeger opened his mouth to answer, a high pitched male voice called out to them.

"J-Jaeger, Sir, I'll go!"

The three men looked toward the voice to see none other than the resistance's dark skinned healer running up to them, seemingly trying to hide behind his staff. His small figure was trembling with fear and regret.

Jaeger's eyes narrowed at the timid cleric. "Pat, we've talked about this. You-"

"Sir, please!" Pat covered his mouth after raising his voice once again. "I... I may not be very good at fighting, but I can still be of use! I can heal my allies, and I defend myself, and..." His voice trailed off as Jaeger's cold glare made him take a small step back. "And..."

Jaeger grinned eerily. "Well, aren't you eager." He shrugged. "You seem rather determined, even when you're acting like a coward. I-"

"Please, Sir! I apologize for pleading, but I just want to go this once-"

Jaeger held up his hand. "Stop," he ordered. Pat immediately stopped talking, pursing his thin lips.

"... I'll let you go."

Pat's tense shoulders lowered as he accidentally let out a sigh of relief. He gave Jaeger a meek smile, along with a small nod. "Thank you, Sir- er, Jaeger! I swear, I won't let you down!"

Jaeger chuckled, crossing his arms. "Don't promise to me, boy. Promise to your teammates."

Pat flinched a little, nodding quickly and looking at Pau. His warm brown eyes met Pau's as he gave a sweet smile. "I hope I'm not too much of a burden. I promise to do my best to help you on your mission! I'm not a very good fighter, but I'm a rather gifted healer."

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