Chapter Twelve - Retrieval

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 All they were assigned to do was eliminate a gang of thieves that had been terrorizing a nearby town. Pau had been told he would be leading a small group of soldiers of his choice, so of course, he brought along Pat so they had a healer to fall back on.

 "Do you see anything?" the cleric asked in a hushed tone as Pau looked around from behind the shabby house keeping the group hidden. 

 "They're about to attack a young girl," Pau replied stoically. "Those fools think they can just create chaos on the streets and get away with it."

 "Well, that's why we're here, right?" Pat responded with a smile. "Let's go take them out as soon as there's an opening."

 Pau nodded. After a few idle moments, he nodded as a signal to strike.

 The group of four emerged from behind the building and began their attack on the thieves, who were quite shocked to see their attackers. One of them cursed loudly as Pau grabbed him from behind, sending his sword through the thief's back.

 The other soldiers both set off to handle the other thieves. Just as Pau looked over to see what was going on, one of his own soldiers took a throwing knife to the eye, sending blood flying all over the thief who had attacked her. Pau gasped, immediately calling for his cleric friend. 

 "I'm on it," Pat responded, brandishing his staff and rushing over to the fallen soldier. As the pale green light surrounded the soldier, Pau looked around to decide his next course of action.

 Just as he looked away from the cleric and soldier, another one of the thieves charged toward him with a loud battle cry, brandishing a rusty knife. Pau quickly held up his sword and lunged forward, knocking the small blade out of the young man's hand, leaving him defenseless. Just as the mercenary went to send his blade through the thief's chest, the man fell to his knees and bowed to his attacker.

 "Please, sir!" the thief cried out. "I-I'm the leader around here, I'll command everyone to stop and we'll never show our faces here again!"

 Pau stared at the thief blankly. "You and your little gang have been terrorizing this village. You've pillaged and murdered. You can't honestly expect to get out of this with your life."

 "Please!" the young man sobbed as the surrounding combat came to a lull. "Have mercy! I'll do anything!"

 Pau sighed heavily, but his deep breath was cut short as he glanced at the thief's hand. His eyes went wide at the sight of the ring on the young man's finger.

 "G-Give me that ring," he stammered. "Give it to me and I'll let you go, never to be seen here again."

 The thief nodded, quickly standing up and taking the ring off. Before he could hand it to Pau, the mercenary snatched it out of his hand and stared at it."

 "Go," he demanded. "Get out of here, now."

 The thief immediately obeyed, taking off running and taking his band of thieves with him while Pau stared at the ring in his hand.


 The mercenary felt a hand on his shoulder following Pat calling out his name. "Pau, are you okay?" the cleric asked. 

 "Mother," Pau whispered, tears stinging at his eyes. "M-Mama..." He clutched the ring in his hand as a sob escaped his lips. He dropped his sword and fell to his knees, holding the ring up to his pounding heart.

 "Pau!" Pat cried out, trying to help him up. "Pau, what's wrong?"

 "Mother!" Pau sobbed. "I found it! I finally found it!"

 Pat was confused, but hugged his friend tightly. "Hey, hey," he soothed. "Shh, it's okay. What's wrong?"

 Pau smiled weakly as he sobbed into Pat's shoulder. "I found her ring..."


Sorry this chapter was so short, I just wanted to get this scene out of the way. I'm also sorry that this chapter took so long. I've been super unmotivated lately and it's been hard to really get into the spirit to write. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me throughout my unstable updates. I truly do love each and every one of you for supporting this story. Trust me, the contents of this chapter are important to the overall story.

I hope you have a wonderful day wherever you are!

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