Chapter Ten - Epiphany

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"Hmm... who taught you how to sing?"

The cleric sighed. "I tell you to ask me anything, and you're asking that?"

Pau flinched at Pat's response. "Hey, I'm curious about it!"

Pat laughed softly. "I'm just kidding. No need to get defensive."

"But I'm not-"

"I believe it was my educator. He and I were very close, and he taught me quite a few of the songs I know." Pat's eyes glimmered with fondness. "I had a better relationship with him than either of my parents."

Pau chuckled. "Look at you, with all your fancy royal teachers." His cheeks warmed up slightly when he earned a laugh from Pat.

"No, it wasn't anything like that," the cleric sighed. "He was as common as a merchant, but none of the actual royal tutors could teach like he did. I was also very shy as a child, and for some reason, he was the only one I trusted enough to listen to."

The mercenary smiled warmly. "That's really sweet. How long was he your teacher?"

"Oh, I don't know... Ten years?"

Pau's jaw dropped. "Ten years?!" he repeated. "You were educated for ten years?"

The darker man looked confused. "Yes, from the age of six to sixteen," he clarified, his eyes narrowing. "Why? How long was your education?"

Pau's face went deep red. He had no idea formal education could take up so much of someone's life. It made him feel even more inferior to his friend, since he hadn't been formally educated at all. He knew how to read, or course, but that was it. The few people he allowed into his life in his youth never taught him about things like mathematics or advanced literary skills. Although he had a wide vocabulary, it was much more apparent in his speech than his writing.

He looked down at his crossed legs in shame. "I never got an education," he mumbled, hearing a gasp from Pat.

There was a long pause. "Ah," Pat said after a while, breaking the awkward silence. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"I didn't even have parents, let alone educators," Pau said matter-of-factly.

"But you can read?"

"I believe I learned basic skills before I was abandoned, but I slowly improved more after that." Pau looked at the clear sky in reminiscence. "I would read newspapers people threw out on the street, and I loved looking around for new street signs to read."

He paused when he heard a giggle from Pat. "Hey, what's so funny?" he demanded.

"It's not funny," the cleric justified, forcing back more soft laughter. "It's adorable."

Pau's breath caught in his throat. "... Adorable?" he repeated with hesitation.

"Yes! If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to hear more about your childhood." Pat smiled sweetly. "My lifestyle was so extravagant when I was young. Hearing about a simpler life would be interesting."

By now, the embarrassment in Pau's eyes was replaced with bashful affection as he stared at his shorter friend. "Oh, well... my childhood wasn't very interesting-"

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