Chapter 1 - Prologue

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Name:Jessie O'Connel
(theres an age gap between her and Ardeth we're gonna say he's 27)
Personality: hot headed, stubborn, passionate, firm believer, sassy, independent, loves guns, protective, helpful to ones in need, loves to learn new things,
Background: Jess lost her mother due to birth complications. Her mother was Egyptian/American. Her grandfather, who she never got to meet,was from Egypt and died in the line of battle. Something about being a medjai but Dad was an orphan, so its always been just her and dad. She's totally a daddies girl but non the less they've been a team since Jess learned how to take care of her self on her own
(potty trained, running, walking, dressing herself, making meals, combat and of course learning to use a gun)
Her dad is in the military, a special ops soldier and a damn good one at that! He helps the French army from time to time to stop toom raiders she assumes, she doesnt really pay that much attention to what he actually does, rather just comes a long for the ride and treasures she happens to find for herself..but she's always had this 6th sense that she knew was there but she never could explain it. She could see dead people sometimes, she could sense if someone with really strong aura was around, it was just weird to her... she doesnt talk to her dad about it though, hes a major skeptic, and that's one thing she thinks they'll never agree on..their beliefs about ancient Egypt...well he's about to be a serious believer soon....

We were in Egypt..but not just any part of Egypt, we were in the cursed city of the Dead, Hummunaptra ancient burial sight for the sons of pharoahs and resting place for the wealth of Egypt. They were about to go to war with some tomb a lot of them on horses galloping towards Hummunaptra.
The leader of the French Army saw them coming, and threw his gun down and high tailed it out of there. My Dad's 'friend'
(he actually couldn't stand him and neither could I because he always hit on me)
Benny looked at us and smiled
"You just got promoted"
He said with fear. My Dad's eyes grew wide and he shook his head
"Ready positions!"
He said in a French accent. All the men aimed, waiting for my Dad's order.
"Jess get your rifle I need all arms and I know you can do it..Benny you're with me on this one right?"
He said to me then looked at Benny.
"Ohhh your strength gives me strength"
He said nervously...then as they got closer, he ran like the coward he was..thus the reason my Dad doesn't really like him.
"How do I have more balls than that grown man?"
I asked  loading my rifle. My dad shook his head
"He's not grown. Trust me. Steady!...Steady!.... Steady!.....FIRE!"
My Dad yelled just as we could see the whites of their eyes and fired but some made it through and began shooting our men. It got to the point where there was too many of them and not enough of us
"Time to go!"
Dad yelled and we ran like hell but they were on horses and we were on feet so they kept up pretty easily. Benny had hid in a tomb and just as we reached him he closed the door on us
I yelled but my Dad yanked my arm because they were gaining pretty fast. We jumped over a fallen post and as my Dad went to grab the gun he dropped shots were fired
"Forget it!"
I yelled pulling my Dad along as we ran farther but then we were at a dead end cornered..
"Well I guess we're dead. Love you Dad it's been a hell of a ride"
I said smiling with defeat as we got on our knees and they circled us.
"Yeah didn't expect it to end like this but I love you too kid"
Dad said as we put our hands behind our heads and closed our eyes but after hearing a couple yells and galloping, we opened our eyes and saw they were gone.
"Well...that was anticlimactic"
I said then got a tingly feeling..a bad one and I heard faint whispers of
'You will will die'
I slowly turned around to see the statue of Anubis
"Dad...back away"
I said. Now the frustrating thing about Dad is when I say something and there's no reason behind it, he listens cuz 9/10 something always happens bad when I say to back away....yet heres the frustrating part, he denies it once it's over because he's a god damned skeptic. What kind of shit is that? Anyways, we started to back up, and the sand beneath our feet started to move on its own, and as it was moving, there was strange whistling noises...kind of like a hyena, or a wolf..either way it was not a good sound. As my Dad ran like hell, I stared at a face in the sand with fear....
"What the hell is-"
"Evil! Lets go!"
Dad said pulling me along and making me run but when I looked back, it was gone.. back to normal...
"Must be something evil buried down there and I don't really want to find out"
I said as we ran completely out of the city and into the desert.I got a complete body electric shock, it wasn't painful, kind of that feeling you get when your foot falls asleep and you try to move it but its all tingly and uncomfortable? Yeah, like that, but going through every nerve through out my body, so over whelming I doubled over barely able to breathe. I've never felt like this before..ever. I think I had been feeling someone else's aura..but this one was powerful like a a..medjai..
"Jess?Jess what's the matter?"
He asked helping me up
"Do you need water?"
He asked. I shook my head. This power, whoever it belonged to, it weighed so heavy on my body it was suffocating.
I slowly turned around and put my hand over my brows to see better. Sure enough, there was a whole line of medjai on horses on a cliff way way way high up.. watching us
"What the hell do they want?"
Dad asked looking at them.
"I dont know, I'm assuming they're the guardians of this land..this land is evil..they can have it..let's get out of here their aura is suffocating me"
I said. Little did I know, it was just one person who had been doing to suffocating he was just that strong...
So we left..hoping to make it to the Nile, where boats ferry to the city...but a really bad storm hit...and unfortunately, my Dad and I were seperated.
I had been wandering for hours with no food, no water, just in the blistering hot sun, when finally, I collapsed and passed out, everything went black after that....

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