Chapter 9- The Museum

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So,we left.
We ended up in Fort Brydon-Cairo by noon.
Already the skies were bad!
Dad & Evy were arguing about staying and going
(Dad = leave but Evy = Stay)
Evy was right though,we had to stop that mummy.
"We're leaving"
He said but I didnt budge
"Dad Im not going"
I said and he looked at me
He asked outraged
"Dad Im cant keep telling me what to do this is my calling, I know it is!"
I said but he growled
"Fine.Stay here and try to save the world but it's gonna suck trying to save the world with just her!"
My dad stormed out.I growled.I was holding this red rose pin Ardeth put in my pocket wen I clearly was unconscious. I starred at it and saw a note had actually been pinned as well. I raised a brow and opened it

~Jessica....the harder I try to stay away from you the more I feel like I can not go on. I do not know what it is about you, your beautiful hair, those deep eyes of yours, or maybe it is that feisty personality of yours...what ever it is...I just would like you to know..I know you tried to get your comrades to stop and they refused but if I somehow manage to walk out of this alive...I would like to take you on, what I am told Americans call a date...we here call it 'Maweid Rumansy' romantic date...and I will take you after all of this is over..I will be seeing you at the museum later tonight. Be careful..
Yours truely,
-Ardeth Bay~

Yours truely,-Ardeth Bay~

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My heart was pounding...he wanted to..take me on a date! Wow so he wasn't old school either. I smiled, my heart doing leaps. I felt so much lightness on my body I could fly but the lightness was instantly shoved down by this evil plaguing us...
I sigh putting the pin in my hair.It was a hair pin. I then ran outside to find my Dad. We needed him..
"Jess! Watch out!"
I turn seeing non other then Jonathan jump on me to make us avoid a fire ball
"Thank you!"
I said hugging him
He said as I got up.It was raining.We heard a loud roar
"Come on!We need to find my Dad!"
"Where would he be?!"
He asked me. I smirked
"I think I know"
I said as we went into the hotel and we saw my Dad and Evy...and the mummy.It was regenerating.He roared
"We are in serious trouble"
Dad said.As it walked closer,Dad kept shooting but hes immortal so it wasnt working. It shoved Dad into Jonathan and the 2 Americans that were actually left.It then went over to Evy,and said
and tried to kiss Evy but stopped seeing Evy's cat.It turned into sand and flew out the window
"We are in very serious trouble"
Dad said
"Guys we gotta go to the museum. Ardeth is there I think he has a plan I just don't know what yet "
I said. They all nodded and we ran to the car....we never did clean up that library..
"Theres only one person that can give us answers"
Evy said as we followed her.When we entered the room we saw Ardeth like he said but he was with that asshole curater who judged me on what I can do because I'ma young.
"Ardeth?What are you doing with him!?"
I asked still ticked off at the Curater
"Oh the museum destroyer returns"
Said Evy's boss
"Yea?I'll destroy your face when Im done with you!"
I growled cracking my knuckles
"Jessica please hold on"
Ardeth said but my responce was my gun
"I dont trust him Ardeth. Still think Im some kid curater?"
I growled pointing my gun at him.
"Jeez you definitely got my temper "
My dad said looking back from me to the curater.
"What are you doing here with him Ardeth?!Answer me!"
I ordered but the curater answered
"Do you really want to know or would you prefer to shoot us"
He said and i smirk
"I prefer to shoot only I suggest you thank Ardeth and Allah that I dont at the very LEAST punch you in the face"
I said as I put my gun away
"Right, well, thank you Ardeth for calming your lady, I do enjoy my are apart of an ancient society.For over 3000 years we have guarded the City of the Dead.We sworn at manhood to do anything and all in our power to stop the High Priest Imohtep from being reborn into this world"
Said the Curater
"Because of you we have failed"
Ardeth said
"You think this justifies the killings of innocent people?"
Evy asked with attitude.I was standing next to Ardeth and then I backed up and gave him a look
"To stop this creature?Let me think?Yes!"
Ardeth said yes the same time the curater did.
"Well I dont!Jeez what are your Medjai teaching you? I was taught all life is sacred!"
i said and Ardeth didnt dare look me in the eyes
"Question:Why doenst he like cats?"
Dad said and i roll my eyes Ardeth was going to reply but I did
"Cats are the guardians of hell!He'll fear them till he looks like all of us...fully regenerated, fully dangerously powerful. So the objective is to keep the remaining people who opened that box alive or we're doomed"
I said glancing at Ardeth seeing his surprised expression
"You know how he gets hisself regenerated?"
Said the one American
"By suckin' em dry thats how!"
Said American 2.I look at Jonathan playing with some of the Egyptian artifacts
"Jonathan fingers please"
Evy said and he let go embarassed
"When I saw him at Hamunaptra,he called me...anak-su-namun.And just now he-he tried to kiss me"
Evy said
" too.. just didnt kiss me.. looked like he wanted to end me"
I said and Ardeth looked at me
He said calmly but I could tell he was concerned.
"Before I blacked out when I was with Burns he shoved me to the wall and said 'Anak-su-namun' and tried to kill me"
I said but Ardeth sighed.
"It's because of his love for Anak-su-namun that he was cursed. Aparently even after 3000 years-"
"He still loves her"
Curater said first and finished by Ardeth
"Yes well thats very romantic but whats that got to do wit us?"
I said but I got a look from he was...worried about me....

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