Chapter 11- Nut Up or Shut Up

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"You alright?"
Dad asked Evy
"Im not sure"
Jonathan said but we all glared at him.After that we drove to the museum...again
(10 minutes later)
"Well according to the legend,the black book the Americans found at Hamunaptra is saposed to bring people back to life.Until now it was a notion I was unwilling to believe"
Evy said as we all walked up the stairs in the museum
(all meaning Ardeth,curater,2 americans Evy,Dad, Jonathan and I)
"Well believe it sister.Thats what brought our buddy back to life"
Dad said
"Yes,now Im thinking that if the black book can bring dead people to life-"
"Then maybe the gold book can kill him"
Dad finished
"Thats the myth"
I said walking in between Curater and Ardeth
"Now we just have to find where the golden book is hidden"
Evy finished but I began to hear something a faint chanting..I pulled Ardeth's sleeve, he looked at my worried expression
said we all grew silent and listened to faint chants of Imohtep's name.We ran to the window and i gasped
"What the-"
I couldnt finish.They were everywhere!Chanting over and over Imohtep.They were holding torches,and weapons, all coming to the museum
"Last but not least, my favorite plague-"
"Boils and sores"
I finished for Jonathan
"Thay have become his slaves.So it has begun, the beginning of the end"
Ardeth said and out of instinct I grabbed his hand alittle scared. He looked at me and I let go blushing
"Not yet it hasn't, come on"
Evy said walking off.I was first to follow.Then everyone else.They started to bang on the door
"According to Bembridge Scholars,the golden book of Amun-ra is located inside the statue of Anuibs"
"That means the scholars were wrong"
I said
"Yes they mixed up the books.So if the black book is inside the statue of Anubis then the gold book must be inside-"
They burst open the door
"Evy let me take a crack at it.My mother taught me every type of ancient writings and I had to talk and write in it for 3 years..."
I said glancing at Ardeth and then reading over it.I was skimming it
"Come on Jess faster"
Jonathan said
"Patience is a virtue"
I said still reding quickly.My Dad and Ardeth looked at me
"Not now it isn't"
I sigh at my Dad
"Uh I'll go get the car started"
Jonathan said
I yell happy
Ardeth said urgently
"The book of Amun-Ra is at Hamunaptra inside the statue of Horus!Take that Bembridge Scholars!"
I highfived Evy
"Lets go!"
I said and we all ran out to the car.
I jumped in without touching the car.
Everyone else got in but Benny came out and called Imohtep which he walked to Benny by the window we were at and he found us
"Youre gonna get yours Benny!Youre gonna get yours!"
Dad yelled as we drove off.
The slaves chased after us and I cursed in Egyptain like 3 tiems only Ardeth caught that
"What the hell was that?!"
Dad yelled and i smile
I said and gave Ardeth a look like -that-was-close-
We were surrounded by slaves but Jonathan ran them over.Alot hung on
"Great idea Jonathan!"
I yell kicking some off.We crashed into some stuff.I felt a hand on my shoulder
"Let go!"
I said but he wouldnt next thing I know Ardeth punched the guy in the face and he let go falling off the car
I said
I turn seeing the American caught by two
"Grab my hand!"
I said but Jonathan made a sharp turn and I fell into Ardeth
"Jonathan!We just lost the American!"
I yell
He yelled
"No!We have to go back before-"
I heard a faint scream
"Damn it to hell"
I said pissed but yell as Jonathan ran us into a fountain.I fell into Ardeth...again but had no time to react because the slaves kpet running twords us
I yelled as we got out.They cornered us and started chanting Imotep's name.Then they stopped and the devil appeared...Imohtep
"Its the creature.He's fully regenerated"
Curater said
"Well maybe he wouldnt of been if Jonathan hadnt made that sharp turn!"
I growled.He started speaking in ancient Egyptian
"Come with me my princesses.It is time to make you two mine forever"
Said Benny and I roll my eyes
"For all eternity idiot"
I said fiercly.Imohtep spoke again
"Take my hand and I will spare your friends..."
Benny translated and I gasp this is what I said to Imotep in Egyptain
"I'll kick your ass if you even think about touching them.I'll send you to hell"
Ardeth was the one to understand too...and Evy and of course Imohtep.He laughed.I was serious as hell
"Jessica no...Don't do this"
Ardeth said and I turned
"No Ardeth...if I die...I'll haunt you in your dreams until we're together in the after life"
I said as I kissed him on the lips gently
"Kunt mahabbat nafsi"
I said which would translate in Arabic to
'You are the love of my soul'
and walked to Imohtep with Evy
"If he turns me into a mummy...youre the first one Im coming after"
Evy said to Dad
My dad said
Evy said
"He still has to take us to Hamunaptra to preform the ritual. You still have time"
I said looking back.
"She is right.Live today fight tomorrow"
Ardeth said glaring at Imotep with hate
"sa'akhtar lakum fi miayat marrat alhayat ,
fi miayat alealamin,
kunt tajid lak w ,
sa'akhtar lak
Ardeth finally said in Arabic, which made me tear up because what it meant was
'I'd choose you in a hundred life times,
in a hundred worlds,
I'd find you and,
I'd choose you
I love you'
I smile at him but frown at my Dad's words
"I'll be seeing you again"
Ardeth spoke too
"Sanuqatil wasawf yamut"
he told Imohtep in Arabian.
(we will fight, and you will die)
Imohtep started to walk away with us with a smirk.
Dad tried to go but Ardeth stopped him.Benny took the key Dad had from Jonathan and left
"Kill them all"
Imohtep yelled in Egyptian
"No!Let go!"
Evy yelled
"Tarak 'ayuha alwaghd!!"
I yelled in arabic
(let go you bastard)
but he wouldnt listen........

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