Chapter 3 - Hummunaptra

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He held up an octagon shaped box.
It looked exactly like the box my Dad had 3 years ago in the city of the dead
"Sell for you"
Evy finished
"Where did you get this?"
She asked and my memory of that box was coming back.
"Yeah...where did you get this "
I asked nervously.
The memories of that wretched place haunting me.
"Oh on a dig in Thebes.My whole life Ive never found anything.Evy please tell me Ive found something"
Jonathan said As Evy turned and it opened into 8 small triangles
She trailed off pulling out a paper that was in the Octagon box
He said eagerly
"I think you've found something"
She said staring at the map of Hamunaptra.
I snatched paper. Jonathan and Evy looked panicked.
"Uhh-psh this place looks worthless. Lets-lets just give it to the curater to take"
I said as Jonathan took it back
"I think we've stumbeled across a goldmine.. lets take it to the curater then"
Jonathan said. I started to get anxiety. This was not good...not at all.
So we went to the Curater..her boss.We showed him the map
"You see the cartouche there. Its the official royal seal of Seti the first,Im sure of it"
Evy said
Said the Curator uninterested grabbing a big magnifying glass and looking at the map
"I..I really dont think this place is even worth blinking an eye over. Come on this is nothing.. where did you find this again?"
I asked and I saw the nervousness in his eyes
"Dug it up"
He said and I was like
"Really? Because Last time I saw it, it was in my Dad's possession..and I almost died! You know where my Dad is dont you?!"
I asked gripping his shirt but he wiggled out of my grasp and ran to Evy.
"So Evy!Who was Seti the first and was he rich?"
Jonathan changed the subject. I groweled.
~these two are gonna get themselves killed ~ i thought.
"He was the 2nd pharoh of the 19th dynasty... said to be the wealthiest pharoh of all"
Evy finished
"Good.Thats good.I like this pharoh I like him very much"
Jonathan said avoiding my eye contact.He KNEW I knew
"You do know the map leads to Hamunaptra right?"
I asked finally and they all look at me
"What do you know you're just a child"
Said the curater and I growled in annoyance.
"Im 23!! I learned how to fire a gun at 5! I was there 3 years ago and if someone didnt come save me I would of died!"
I said annoyed but he only rolled his eyes "Hamunaptra is a myth"
He said and I scoff
"Please,Ive been there"
I said showing him a picture of my Dad and I IN Hamunaptra.I look at Jonathan,to see he was nervous.
"Regardless if I've been there or not curator, it's dangerous and stupid to seek that city. It's a death sentence"
I said shaking my head
"Well we can agree on something. Even if this is a real place, which I'm not saying it is.. it's called the City of Death for a reason"
He said shaking his head.
The next thing I knew curator burnt the map compleatly
"You burnt off the part of the lost city!"
Jonathan yelled
"Its for the best.Many men have wasted their lives in foolish persuit of Hamunaptra"
he said. I smiled nodding
"It's true. However, The best time for a flower to bloom is when the sun rises itself"
I said smirking
Evy said and I sigh
"I know how to get there by heart.This is stupid and dangerous and completely not worth the riches but...I'll take you if you help me find my Dad"
I said showing them the picture again
"I know where he is"
Jonathan said regretfully.
"I had a feeling you did. So take me to him Jonathan"
I said and with that, we ended up in Cairo prison
(Cairo Prison)
"Welcome to Cairo prison.My humble home" bragged the warden
"My Dad's here?"
I asked with a raised brow and Jonathan nodded shyly
"I WAS RIGHT!You stole that box from my dad!"
I said and he sighed embarrassed
"Well not really...he was drunk and I sort of.. cheated my win in a card game and he wagered the artifact."
I went to punch him but Evy put a motherly hand on my arm.I stared at her for a while then sighed and lowered my arm.
"Whats he in for?"
I asked the warden and he smiled
"I do not know.But wen I as-ked him that myself he said he was just looking for a very good time"
He said and I sigh shaking my head
'That means he was drunk...he never harrasses younger belly dancers or gambles unless he's drunk.I usually have to hose him down"
I said as they brought him out.I saw his hair was longer and he had a 12:00 wasnt pretty. The guards hit him afew times before looking at us
I asked slowly stepping up, tears brimmed my eyes
"Jess?Is that you?"
He asked with widening eyes
"Yeah I came to save you"
I said and ran up to him and hugged him the best I could from outside the cell
"Who are those two?"
He asked looking at Evy and Jonathan.
"Oh Dad these are my friends Evy and Jonathan"
I said as he eyed Evy up and down.
"Not a total loss"
He said my jaw dropped, as did Evys
"I beg your parton-"
"Excuse me Evy. Hey!! Dad! Focus!They want to know about the you know where"
I whispered but he shook his head
He said
I asked in confusion
"They want to know how to get to Hammunaptra, right?Not gonna happen"
Dad said but Jonathan stepped up. I looked at him
"I wouldn't-"
"Try not to have any funny buisness cuz we dont mess around-"
"Do I know you?"
My Dad asked
"Dad no beh!-"
my Dad punched Jonathan in the face through the bars, receiving a nasty hit from the guards
"Can you tell us the exact location?"
Evy asked
"You really wanna know?"
Dad asked as they inched closer.
He pulled her in a kiss. My jaw dropped
"Then get me the hell out of here!"
Dad said as the guards pulled him
"Do it lady!Jess help her get me out!"
He said and took him back in
"Hey!!! Where are you taking him!? HEY! DAD!Give him back!"
I yelled but Evy put a hand on my shoulder.............................................

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