Chapter 8 - Girl Packs A Punch

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"Take this,stay here"
My Dad said walking off giving me a gun
"That's fine. Im sleepy"
I said smirking
"Its called a buzz dear"
Evy said patting my head.
"Wait for me!"
Evy said and I yawn
"Im going to sleep"
I said then I shot up hearing galopping loud and clear.I look and saw I was alone.People in black
were setting tents on fire and killing others.
I said as I went to get up I was pushed down.I look seeing Benny
"Fancy meeting you here"
He tried to kiss me but I punched him in the face but he bounced back and wrapped his arms around my waist while on his knees.
"Im getting sick of you!Let go!"
I yelled pissed off.I heard a faint yelling.I look and saw a horse coming at us
Benny yelled and ran away.I went to run but I tripped and the horse jumped right over me
~Ardeth..what the hell are you doing?!~
I thought angrily. I picked up my gun & ran over to my dad.Ardeth and Dad were fighting
"Stop! Dad stop!Ardeth stop!"
I yelled as my dad held up a single TNT which was lit.
"Enough!Yallah!We will shed no more blood, but you must leave. Leave this place or die.You have one day"
Ardeth said getting on his horse
Ardeth glanced at me and saw I wasnt happy
"What the hell Ardeth?! You didn't need to kill these innocent people to prove a point!?"
I asked angrily. I saw the hurt in his eyes
"Just because you hired them to do the work does not mean they were innocent. They were tomb raiders Jessica. Open your eyes. I told you I could not predict what the Medjai would do! I am not in charge Jessica!"
Ardeth argued. I growled.
"And I guess killing people is a great way to get your point across! I tried getting them to leave! I told you if I couldn't we'd have to see it through! We can handle it. Stay out of this Ardeth..or help us. Other wise were done here" I said. It felt like I was breaking just by saying that. Ardeth nodded and rode off.
"Friends of yours?"
My Dad asked me. I sighed glaring at him.
"Not any more..I'm going to sleep. No-one bother me"
I said dully as I walked off.My dad took off the fuse cord and and watched me walk back to the campsite.
After an hour I fell asleep
(skip scene)
So yeah new day, back to digging and searching underground.Apparently Evy and the guys found a sarcophagus yesterday.
"Oh Ive dreamed of this since I was a little girl"
Evy said excitedly. I gave her a strange look
"You dream about dead guys?"
My dad said being the smart ass he is.
"Look his sacred spells have been carved off.This man must of been condemed not only in this life but the next"
She said but my dad didnt care
"Tough break...lets see whos inside"
Dad said as Jonathan took the star key and unlocked the sarcophagus.Dad and John pulled the lid off and a mummy popped out making Evy and I scream.
"I hate it when these things do that!"
Evy said. My eyes widened and a sickening twist in my stomach formed
I said in warning.
"Is it saposed to look like that?"
Dad asked
"I've never seen a mummy like this before.He's stilll...still-"
Jonathan and Dad said said together
"He must be over 3000 years old yet he looks like he's still decomposing"
Evy said looking him over.
I said and they all turned to me
"What do you make of this?"
I asked and she gasped
"These marks were made...this man was burried alive...and he left a only...the beginnig"
She said and we looked at the mummy....all of us.
I couldn't breathe...this heavy feeling.. cant go on ignored
"Guys I...I can't breathe...this mummy hes the essence of evil..i have to leave"
I said as my dad nodded and helped me outside
"You okay?"
He asked handing me water. I nodded but I just couldn't shake this feeling.
"We shouldn't be here its not good"
i said looking up at the sky.
"Now you sound like your killer boyfriend.
Well Evelyn will keep on with or without us. She needs protection"
dad said. I sighed shaking my head
"He's not my boyfriend! But.. I know...she's quite stubborn isn't she.. like someone else I know"
I said smirking up at him. He rolled his eyes
"It's not like that at all"
He said crossing his arms
"Whatever Dad. But you should get back in the game. You've done your job lid taking care of me now it's your turn to live a little. Mom would want you to..but this whole expedition isnt gonna end well"
i said biting my lip
"I know...but we O'Connels are survivors..well protect them"
Dad said patting my back. I smiled.
"I wish I had your confidence"
I said as i sat down and rested.
(later that night)
I sat down next to Dad thinking about if I made the right decision by excluding Ardeth from my life.
~If fate brings us together again...ill forgive you wasnt your choice..and it's not mine to stay here but I can't walk away from the people I care about..Forgive me Ardeth.~
I thought looking at the stars...i soon started to drift...
(later...when everybody was asleep)
I was alseep but I heard Evy reading an incantations.I shot up in panic
I yelled but it was to late. The wind picked up.We looked and saw a black cloud headed for us.Some slaves were caught and eaten by grasshoppers.
I yelled as I held my hand out and a forcefield ACTUALLY appeared. I was running but tripped. My dad heaved me over his shoulder but I kept the forcefield up till we got to the temple.
We kept running into the under ground temple.One of the Americans tripped and fell.He lost his glasses
"Dad go!I'll catch up!"
I said but he gave me a dissaproving look but kept going
"I'll help you find your glasses"
I said and he smiled
"Im so scarred"
He said
"Dont be Im good at fighting with anything"
I said looking around.
~I can barely breath. I feel like Im being crushed with this evil!~
I thought feeling around for his glasses.
Benny being the ass he is stepped on them just as we found them.He kept running though.
I yelled as I cursed in Egyptain
"Stay with me"
I said and he nodded.I held his hand and held my gun up as I walked.I heard a noise behind me so I turned,nothing there.
I heard another noise behind me and I turned again but nothing.
~shit this is bad...this is real bad!We have to go!~
i thought starting to panic as I held this guys hand tight and tried to run.
Just as I was about to keep walking the glasses guy let go of my hand and screamed.I turned like a dime and saw the mummy we found. Alive and repulsive as ever.
I went to fight but he pinned me to the wall
He said trying to choke me.I kicked him and he dropped me.When I went to punch him he caught my wrist and threw me against the wall.I hit my head so hard I blacked out.The last thing I remember was the mummy taking the guys eyes for himself.
He was regenerating....NOT GOOD!!

(moments later)
I groaned but heard a sweet voice
"I told you to leave or die.You refused.Now you may have killed us all...for you unleashed the creature we have feared for more then 3000 years"
It was Ardeth!I wanted hold me.My head hurt so badly I wanted to cry...I did...
"Jess...hey relax kid...I got him"
My Dad said ignorantly. I shook my head covering my eyes in pain.
"No mortal weapon can kill this creature.He's not of this world"
Ardeth said. I reached my hand out.
I mumbled weakly and to my enjoyment he placed a gentle hand in my hair.
"He's already begun"
Ardeth said taking some pills out and a cantene of water
"Drink this you'll feel better Jessica"
He said putting the pills to my mouth.I drank
"Jess are you two seeing eachother or something? He's like my age!"
My dad said and I sat up angrily holding my head. Ardeth looked offended
"Im 27..actually"
Ardeth said.
"Dad!1) NOT important right now! 2. You're old. 3)We're not together! Can we talk about this when my head stops bleeding?"
I said showing him my red hand
"What happened?!"
My dad said looking angrily to Ardeth.
"Oh my god Dad! You're testing my patience!Who else?! The mummy! Just let Ardeth finish or we'll never know how to kill it"
I said as Ardeth helped me up
"What did you do to him you little tramp!"
Said one of the Americans to me but I cocked back and punched him in the jaw, everyone, to even Ardeth's surprise.
"What the He-"
"I tried to save him!He dropped his glasses!What kind of friend like YOU leaves a friend behind!? Benny stomped on them!Before I could turn around to help him the damn thing threw me into a wall head first! What would you have done?! You already heard a gun won't do anything! So don't point fingers!"
I yelled but got weak and my knees buckled. I went to fall but Ardeth caught me
"We saved him and her...saved them before the creature could finish his work.Leave,all of you, quickly,before he finishes you all.Yallah Nimshi"
Ardeth said as he walked over to Evy and let me lean on her.
"We must now go on the hunt and try and find a way to kill him"
Ardeth said
"I already told you I got him"
Dad said rudely. I glared at my dad
"You're kind of being a dumb ass dad"
I said annoyed
My dad retorted just as annoyed.
Ardeth turned and looked annoyed too.
"Know this.The creature is the bringer of death. He will never eat,he will never sleep...he will never stop"
Ardeth went to go. I got a sudden burst of energy. I needed to tell him...what if I never saw him again?!
"Ardeth wait!"
I said and he turned at me.I walked over with difficulty
"Im sorry.I shouldnt of been hard on you like that...before I mean"
I said rubbing my arm in guilt but he nodded
"I were protecting your family.Its understandable"
He said but i sighed
" careful...dont die on me"
I said as I took off my heart shaped locket and put it in his hand.I looked in his eyes sadly and kissed his cheek
"I will"
He said. I hugged him tightly. He hugged me as he was pulling back left a ghost of a kiss on my cheek.
I let him go with difficulty watching him walk off....

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