Chapter 8

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(The truth brings light to darkness. The hidden secrets are exposed to the many. There is no joy in knowing that everything you believed in has been a lie or told to you under false information. Enjoy! )

Chapter 8: Section 8 – 1

"You know my name as I have told you. You do not know my past. It has been ten years since that time. Ten years have come and gone. Not a single person has come to remember me. No one should remember me. I am a forgotten soul that is lost in a sea of stars and wars. Who would dare say that they can remember me? In my years of peace, I learned to be humble. I have learned to place all that I was in a memory. During those years, I survived by my wit, skill, and ability. Now, you wish to know of me. This is my story. Ten years ago, an imperial ship journeyed out in the void of dark space. The leader of the ship led his troops on through battles. I was a simple nobody. I didn't hold rank. I couldn't command troops. I only knew how to fire a lasgun. When I stood near the leader of the guardsmen, I didn't even catch his gaze until the end. When we warp jump to our next place, the ship came under attack. I can still remember how it went. First, the ship had hull breaches in the sides. Many guardsmen flew out of the ship only to be torn apart by the warp. The guardsmen did what they could to fight against the enemies coming aboard. None would survive. I kept myself hidden from the enemy. I knew sooner or later death will come straight for me. I decided to run. Before I could get far, my leader saved me from a daemon of the warp. The creature cornered me and was frighten of me shortly. The creature screeched as the leader cut it down. It was at that moment my leader sensed something wrong with me. Before he could explore it, we faced down the terrible warp deities that hungry for our souls. The only option left for everyone is to survive. The handful of us left made it to the life pods. Many were already gone save only the five groups that were left. I was shoved inside the pod. Before the slaughter happened, the leader saw something in me that he knew was there. He didn't tell anyone about it nor share the knowledge he learned. All I can recall is his last order to me before he handed me his sword, laspistol and harness. He told me that I am to survive, thrive, and remember why I am alive. Once he told me that, he closed the life pod and sent me hurling through the warp. I watched from the open window as the ship was claimed by something greater than man and xeno. I prayed my hardest that I survive and live up to my leader's last command to me. Before I knew it, I ended up on the planet your Commander Vance named Saneesh. Who am I to you? I am Noble One Max Johnson of the renegade imperial guardsmen. Who I was before? I am an imperial guardsman of the old 5th regiment from the Imperium of Mankind. The name is lost to history. Like so many other guardsmen companies, the names can be gone from record. Who wants to remember or recall the name of a dead regiment?" Noble One Max Johnson from the 5th regiment of the Imperial Guard.

Lina and Lucas are dumb struck by the news. The whole time Max was a long lost guardsman of a much older regiment. There are no records of his leader or his regiment ever making any important trip into the warp. After being dead for a long time, any guardsmen company that didn't show or amount to a high success is considered unimportant. Kayleth and Veldoran already surmised that Max had to be a former guardsman; he used the weapons with great ease. Though his recently news leaves his allies surprised, he continues to reveal more to them that the eldar need proof of.

Lucas says, "I am glad you finally shed some light on who you are and were. I do recall being told of an imperial ship that did make a warp jump years ago. The information on the ship was deemed 'unimportant'. It is good to know that you made it through the hardship."

Lina express her curiosity, "But why did you hide it from us? Why not tell us you are a former guardsman? You could have been welcomed back with open arms."

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