Chapter 4 - I think I'm giving up on girls

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The next day at school, Chase was missing in action, not a sign of him. It was lunch time now and people were bursting into the cafeteria and fighting for a spot in the lunch queue. I saw Andy coming from the doors looking around and when he saw me, smiled and made his way to me.

“Hey, Ally. I was looking for you. I was thinking if you’d like to join us at our table?” he grinned.

“Yeah. I’d like that. I still haven’t made many friends yet. Still with the title of the new girl.” 

“Well you can already count us as your friends.  I’m going to buy lunch but you go over there and sit at our table. They are waiting for you.” He smiled at me and pointed at a table at the end of the room in the corner – the delinquent table. 

I walked across the cafeteria, over to the table and sat beside Hailey because I only knew her.

“Hey there girl, how are you?” she yelled in her usual cheery voice.

“Hi Hailey. I’m okay I guess,” I muttered back. 

“So I’m going to introduce you to these lovely people here or they could just introduce themselves to you. They do have a mouth.” Then she turned to the guy next to her and poked him on the side, making him jump high from his seat.

“What the hell, Hails? You scared the shit out of me and I was in the middle of a conversation before you rudely interrupted me," he grumbled and automatically, I mentally named him guy one.

“Yeah Hails, he was telling me how he got his butt kicked by a girl this weekend for hitting on her,” Guy two said, smiling mischievously.

“Bro, this was between me and you!” Guy one complained.

“Oh my god. So let me get this straight. You tried to flirt with her and she kicked you?” Hailey exclaimed on the verge of laughing.

“I kind of grabbed her boob but it was a misunderstanding because I thought I was touching her arm,” he defended back.

"And she didn't just kick him...if you know what I mean," guy two said suggestively and wiggled his eyebrows.

We all burst out laughing our asses off, holding on to each other for support.

“Damn it. I’m going to give up on girls for sure. I always end up embarrassing myself,” guy one whined and we laughed more.

“Phew. Okay than lady boy. Introduce yourself to Alexia.” She gestured at me.

Realization hit both of the guys and they turned to me with that goofy smile of theirs.

“Oh shit yeah, sorry.  Hi Alexia, my name is Jason Knight,” he smiled at me and turned to his lunch. He isn’t guy one anymore.

“And I’m Adrian Montgomery,” guy two said.

“As you probably all know, I’m Alexia Kingston,” I told the both of them.

"Yupp we do. Thank Hailey for that. So, Alexia you know Chase right?” Jason said.

“Well I don’t say I know him but I met him and he turned out to be my lovely neighbour. Joy,” I muttered sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

Lucky me ... Note the sarcasm.

“He can be a bit of a problem but he has a good heart when you get to know him,” Adrian said.

“Yeah I agree but he will take long to show he has a good side. He has a chip on his shoulder,” Jason added.

“Looking forward to it,” I mumbled.

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