Chapter 3 - I'll hunt you down Mr!

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I slammed the door shut and threw myself on the bed with my face stuffed in the pillows. A loud knock came from my door.

“Alex … Alex open the damn door! “

“Don’t call me Alex and leave me alone!”

“No, I’m not going anywhere until you open this door and tell me what’s wrong.”

“Please, just leave me alone,” I begged

“Not when you ran up here crying for no reason at all.”

“I do have a reason, moron.”

“Really, now’s the time to call me names? Open the door Alexia and talk to me or so help me god I will knock this door down.”

Frustrated at myself and at Chase for not leaving me the fuck alone, I wiped my eyes from all the unnecessary tears and open the door with a dramatic sigh. Chase immediately stepped through the door and sat on my bed like he owned the fucking place.

“Now are you going to tell me what happened?” Chase ran his hands through his hair.

“No, I’m fine really,” I blurted out too quickly.

“Well you don’t fucking look like it. You scared the crap out of me,” he half yelled slowly.

“I’m okay, really! I never would have imagined you being concerned about me,” I teased.

“I was not concerned,” he defended.

“Whatever you say, Smith.” I teased back. He rolled his eyes at me and stood up.

“Ready to get back down there?” I asked hoping to change the subject.

“You tell me. I don’t really want to go down there again. You?” he frowned.

“I don’t know. I mean we should go, they’re probably waiting for us. Let me fix myself first.” I walked into the bathroom to fix my make up because I probably looked like something the cat dragged in.

After I was finished I got back to my bedroom where I found Chase still sitting on my bed with his phone in his hand, scrolling up and down.

“You ready?” I asked him. He looked up at me and nodded before getting up and walking downstairs. The rest of the dinner was awkward and boring. Taylor had gone back to sleep and our parents kept each other busy with boring adult conversations.

Chase and I stayed silent, only talking when someone asked us something and we pretended that nothing happened. We both kept stealing glances at each other and I could feel his eyes staring at me for a while. I smirked at that and pretended that I didn’t notice.

After dinner, the Smith’s went back home and I on the other hand went to shower. This time I made sure not to forget my pyjamas. I was dead tired by the time I finished showering and went straight to bed. I got under my blue covers and was swept away in sleep after sometime.

At about 3 in the morning, loud taps where heard from my window. I tried my best to ignore them and continue sleeping but they were getting louder by the minute and more hesitant.  I threw the covers on the bed annoyed and stumped my way to the window. I opened the curtains and I stared down at the person beneath the window with a what-the-fuck look.

“Open up, Bunny. My balls are going to fall off from the cold.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have come at the first place. What the hell are you doing here?”  I whispered loudly while opening the window. I stepped back and let his majesty walk into my room with all his glory. 

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