Chapet 5- Just a little blood

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I checked my watch again. It's been almost five hours since Chase left the house and I was getting worried. I may fight with the guy but I don't want him to get hurt! It's two in the morning now. Taylor's fast asleep. I tried that myself but it was no use so I started reading. There's just something nagging at my brain, telling me to wait.

Oh my God I sound like his fucking wife. Relax, Alexia! God!

A few minutes after I started to panic, I heard keys jiggle in the lock before the front door slammed open. I shot up in my bed, my breathing picking up speed as I heard someone stumble into the house. I flew downstairs, making sure I didn't wake the toddler up in the process.

Groaning came from the kitchen making me creep slowly in the direction of the room. I pocked my head inside the dark room and found a hooded figure fishing something out of the freezer.

"Chase?" I whispered warily. The person stopped shuffling and I could see him tense up.

"Why are you still up?" he asked and I noticed it was definitely Chase's voice.

"I couldn't sleep," I answered truthfully as I rubbed my right eye.

"Go to bed, Ally," Chase instructed. I chose to ignore him and stepped further into the room to turn on the light.

"Don't!" he warned when I moved towards the light switch and made an attempt to turn it on. My hand froze at the tone of his voice.

"Chase, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I panicked, instantly.

"I'm fine. Just-" He didn't get to finish the sentence as the lights flickered on. Chase quickly turned away from me again as I walked over to him.

"I told you to not turn on the lights!" he growled out.

"And I want you to look me in the eye and tell me you're okay, 'cause I sure as hell don't believe you!" I said in a shaky voice, slowly walking towards him.

Chase kept his head low, avoiding me shamelessly. I came to a stop behind him and noticed him slightly shaking his head at my behavior. I grabbed his arm and turned him around slowly.

"Chase, please! I'm worried about you, okay?!" I said rather pathetically as I tried to look at his hidden face.

Damn hoodies!

"Promise me you won't freak out," he finally whispered. He didn't let me answer as he lifted his head up to meet my eyes. The grip I had on his arm tightened as my eyes racked over his features. They felt like the were about to pop out of their sockets anytime soon.

I took a hold of his face in both hands, not really caring about him wincing. "Oh my God!" I breathed out, too surprised to scream at him. "Look at your face!"

Chase took both of my hands in his, making me let go of him completely. "I'm fine-" he started but I cut him off very rudely.

"No, you're- Look at your hands!" I squealed again at the sight of his busted knuckles. "Oh God! Chase, what happened? You're so not fine! Your face and your hands are-" I stopped mid rant when I realized something.

I looked at Chase square in the eyes. "Take off your shirt," I ordered. Chase's infamous smirk appeared on his face, his bruised and bloodied face.

"Well, you didn't have to pretend you're worried about me, if all you've wanted what to see my chest," he teased.

"I am not pretending or joking right now! Now take off your damn shirt and don't make me say it again or I will burn it off of you if I have to!"I warned him with a killer look.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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