Chapter 8- First Potions Class

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As writing this I decided that to make my story make more sense Voldemort died when Harry survived the killing curse. Once again enjoy!!!

Harry's POV:

Breakfast that morning was quite quiet, nothing much happened. When we al sat down at the Slytherin table I realised just what was in the middle to eat. There was; waffles, pancakes, croissants, scrambled eggs and toast, fruit salad and even an oat mix that looked to have yoghurt, grapes, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, mint and of course oats. After a good heap of the oat mix and a waffle Professor Snape handed out our time tables, Today we had potions with Gryffindors, followed by Flying lessons with Gryffindors again and then Lunch followed by double defence Against the Dark Arts.

Once I got my time table I headed down to potions alone and when I got there I decided toast by the door and read a bit about what might happen in class. I had a feeling snap hated me by the looks he snuck to me as he walked by.

All the first years for potions had the book 'Magical Drafts and Potions' so I began to read.

The book said how in the first class you learn about; what powdered root of asphodel and infusion of worm wood make, where to find a bezoar and what it does and finally the different names of aconite. I decided it would be smart to memorise this, so that's what I did. I really liked the idea of potion making and hoped I Ould be good enough at it to make it my future career.

Draco's POV:

Once Professor Snape handed out our time tables Harry almost sprinted out of the hall.

"Where do you think he is going?" Blaise asked as we watched him go out of sight.

"No clue. Should we go find him?" I asked in reply.

"Sure. He might be back at the common room? He might have forgotten his books or something."

"Sure, let's check there, then we will have to go to class though, cause it will be about time for first class by the time we walk to the common room and back around to the potions class."

Blaise, Vincent, Gregory and I all practically ran to the common room. on the way we ran past the corridor that lead to potions but just kept running. When we got to the common room it was empty except for a sixth year who was just staring into the fire.

"We will go check our dorm. You head to class Draco as for we all know how mad you'll be if you miss a single second of potions."

"Ha ha very funny but touché. I'll see you guys at class then." With that they ran up to the dorm and I turned around and headed to potions.

When I got to the class there was a small boy sitting by the door reading. He didn't see me till I spoke.

"You don't need to study before the first class."

"Yes I do, I have a feeling I do more than anyone else" Harry replied with a sigh.
"Why would you think that?"
"I can't say but I can feel it, you most likely will know by the end of class so keep an eye out if you really want to know."

I didn't know how to reply so I just nodded and shrugged.
Just as I did that the bell rang so we both walked into the class and sat a desk that could sit 5 (Vincent, Gregory, Blaise, Harry and I) .

After about 5 minutes everyone had took their seat and I could feel someone staring straight into the back of my head. I turned to see Weasley looking at me like it was my fault that Harry was in Slytherin and not Gryffindor with him. I just chuckled before Professor Snape stormed in.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses. . . I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death — if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." He said as he walked up to his desk at the front of the class.

"Ah as you all can see we have a new celebrity in this class" All eyes went straight to Harry but he ignored them and just stared straight into Snape's eyes. After a bit Professor Snape snapped out of the trans he had been while staring at Harry.

"Tell me what would I get if I mix powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? Where would you go if I asked you to get a bezoar? What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"Well Professor" Harry started. "Powered root of asphodel makes a sleeping draught so strong it is known as 'the Draught of Living Dead'. Bezoar is found in he stomach of some animals. Most commonly goats with flat horns that live in Germany and Poland. As for the monkshood and wolfsbane question that is a trick question as for the both are names for the plant Aconite." Harry stopped and looked up at the Professor like he could keep going but couldn't be bothered. Snape looked back astounded. "And Professor," Harry continued. "You of all people should know of my bad home life so just because you think I don't know the answer doesn't mean you pick on me and also I have always liked potions so don't expect me to fail a question." He stopped as for he was out of breath.

"10 points to Slytherin!! Good answers but it is not more for how you talked after. Please stay after class I would like to talk to you about something.
Now why weren't you all copying what he said?"

Everyone looked straight down at there empty parchment in discuss to how we all had now forgotten what he said. Harry then leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"It's in the textbook at page 394."

"Thanks" I replied before opening the book to see he was correct. I started to write.
"Potter, just cause you seem to have it off by heart doesn't mean you don't have to write it!" He looked at Harry with discuss.

Harry's POV:

While outside the class reading I had also written it down as for I knew he would make us do it and I wanted to be out of the class as soon as I could.

"Professor I already have. Here." I saw as I get up and place my parchment down on his desk.

The Professor looked down at the parchment with a confused look.

"Is this a joke Potter? It's blank!" He boomed back.

"Oh sorry professor but I
didn't want anyone copying so I put a invisibility spell on it. Here." I muttered the counter curse and the writing slowly started to show up. Snape looked impressed.

"Well then good thinking, 10 points to Slytherin."

With that I muttered the invisibility curse again them walked back to my desk and sat down.

"You really did need to study? Wow." Draco whispered to me while Professor Snape was telling Ron off for not paying attention. I just nodded.

"Well if you have finished you may go to your next class. Potter do still stay back." Snape said after he had finished yelling at Ron.
Everyone shut their books and left.

"We will wait outside the common room for you." Draco whispered before leaving too.

"Now Potter. I just want to show you something that will explain why I asked you all those questions. Yes I know it wasn't right but...just....oh I'll just show you." With that he stood up and yelled "Expecto Patronum!" Out of the end of his wand came a doe that pranced around the room and then when it saw me it started circling me.

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