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"Baby, you didn't have to do all of that. He's gonna kill you." Sehun winced as Jungkook placed a wet paper towel on his wounds.

"Don't worry. He won't hurt me." Jungkook smiled slightly before continuing to clean the elder boys wounds. "He's never hurt me.." Jungkook lied, forcing a fake smile even though he wanted to cry for thinking of his past.


"We're breaking up." Taehyung spoke harshly to the boy with no emotion in his face. "You're disgusting and I never loved you. You're fat and ugly and you could never compare to me on any level. I hate you." Taehyung didn't realize the weight his words carried. Life ruining words. Jungkook was on the floor sobbing his eyes out as Taehyung walked away lifelessly, wiping away his tears as well.

'You did it. It's over. You survived.' Taehyung thought to himself before beginning to sob as well. 'You aren't a disgusting faggot anymore. You've made your father proud.'

That night Jungkook decided to end his own life. Taehyung was everything to him, he had nothing left besides the constant bullying and a family that hated him. As he held the pills in his hand, he thought of the time when Taehyung got beat up badly for punching a guy who was making Jungkook cry. Did he really not love him then? When Jungkook cried for hours because his hamster died, Taehyung was there, holding him and whispering sweet nothings in his ear. Even though he knew when he went home, he'd get beat for being out for 4 hours past curfew. Did he really not love him then? Jungkook started to sob again, squeezing the pills in his hand, before throwing his head back and swallowing about 8. If Taehyung really loved him, he would come save the boy before it was too late.

Jungkook picked up his suicide note before laying down on his bed, closing his eyes a final time.


"Jungkook get up." His mother said, kicking him. "Dinner is ready. Come eat before your father gets home." Jungkooks eyes fluttered open before blinking rapidly. He had a killer headache. The clock read 10:17AM. Why wasn't he dead!

"Mom! Why didn't you wake me up earlier I have school." Jungkook was angry, the only time he got to see Taehyung in private was at the very beginning of the day. Taehyung..

"It's Saturday dumbass." She spat, leaving the room. When he took those pills it was Thursday.

"How long was I asleep?" He stood up, stumbling from a cramp in his leg. He picked up the empty bottle of pills, only just then reading it. Melatonin. Fucking sleep medicine? Jungkook face palmed before walking downstairs to eat dinner. He'd just try again later, after he ate dinner. Taehyung never came. He didn't care enough... he never loved him.

He failed that time, of course, because his father had come home and told him how much he loved him. Jungkook could tell he meant it, even though he was too drunk to take off his own shoes. His life was worth something, even if it was barely anything. It was something. Something even Taehyung couldn't take away from him.


"Jaebum please! I didn't mean t-" Jungkooks beautiful face was struck by a heavy fist. Jungkook yelped in pain, falling to the floor, only then noticing a figure from across the hall. His eyes were darkened and he looked conflicted. It was Taehyung, probably deciding to say something or to join in. A tear ran down the elders face as he walked away, leaving Jungkook to be beaten half to death by Jaebum and his group of friends. That was when Jungkook knew, it was over. Taehyung had never loved him. He was too ugly. Too fat. Too disgusting. Could never deserve someone as amazing as Taehyung.


"He's never hurt me.." Jungkook repeated, throwing the paper towels in the trash. Sehun smiled before leaning in to place a kiss on the younger boys cheek. Jungkook giggled, before Sehun pulled him off of the counter, slapping Jungkooks thick ass, making the boy yelp and wrap his legs around Sehuns waist. Sehun continued to place kisses on the younger boys face, carrying him over and pushing him against the wall, starting to suck on his neck, in the places that were healed of course. The boys were both laughing loudly, before hearing footsteps inside the bathroom. Jungkook peered over Sehuns shoulder to see Taehyung looking in the mirror, examining the hand shaped red mark on his face. Jungkook squealed as Sehun grabbed at his ass again, removing his attention from the other boy. Sehun moved him back over to the counter, only a sink in between them and Taehyung. Taehyung had never looked so angry in his life not even in the hall earlier, Jungkook could practically feel the anger radiating from him.

Sehun bit a little too hard on Jungkooks neck, making him wince and cry out. Taehyung bit his lip and pulled the two apart, slamming Sehun against the wall. Jungkooks swollen lips were parted slightly, his thick legs hanging over the side of the counter. He had started to eat again. Not very much, but enough for his legs and face to thicken up a bit. He felt stronger. His eyes widened as Taehyung punched Sehun as hard as he could.

"If you ever hurt him I'll kill you!" Taehyung was sobbing. "Don't ever let him feel pain or you're gonna fucking die!" He was screaming, voice strained from crying so much. Sehun nodded quickly before Taehyung pulled his arm back to swing, accidentally hitting Jungkook dead in the nose. The boy yelped, before falling to the floor. Taehyung froze. His heart was racing. He just hurt his baby. Again, something he promised himself he'd never do again when he realized he didn't care what his father thought. He threw Sehun aside and rushed to the crying boy. Sehun just smirked as Jungkook tried to get away from him. Taehyung kept moving closer, but Jungkook moved.

"You can't keep doing this! Acting like I'm yours! You broke up with me. Do you know what I've gone through? I've suffered for two fucking years because of you! I tried to kill my self two fucking times Taehyung! You broke me, you can't just come back into my life, keep me from being happy and act like this. I just want to move on, from you, from my past. It's killing me! I'm suffocating and it's your fault! I can't get over you, I'm in love with you! You don't understand what you did to me, do you?" Jungkook was screaming, tears streaming down his face. "You don't care! You just made me fall in love and left me! Called me disgusting and left! This entire time, all I have thought about was how could I change myself to make you love me. I got skinny for you, I started wearing makeup and girls clothes for you!" Jungkook sobbed, before wiping the blood from his nose. He stood up and ran out of the bathroom, leaving both of the boys in silence.

"You told me not to hurt him.  You fucking Hypocrite." Sehun spoke harshly, about to cry because of how broken Jungkook looked. And the fact that jungkook was still madly in love with Taehyung. Sehun walked out of the bathroom leaving the other boy.  Taehyung couldn't move. Tears made their way down his face as he started to hyperventilate. He didn't know how badly he hurt Jungkook, but to know he hurt him this bad made him want to die. He made the love of his life want to kill him self. Change himself. Think he was anything less than perfect. It was his fault...

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