Alternate Ending

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"Baby? Oh god, baby? Wake up, please!" Jungkook slowly opened his eyes to hear the hysterical cries of none other than, the love of his life, Kim Taehyung. He met eyes with the elder boy, reaching out to touch his perfectly sculpted face, before slipping back into the void of dreams. This time, his breathing halted.. it didn't pause, it stopped. Taehyungs breath hitched as well when he noticed. "B-baby? Jungoo?" He started crying harder than before, lifting the boy up bridal style and running out of the dorm, tears being left behind on the cold, hard cement. He didn't care about anything else in the world, didn't care that his phone, and his wallet flew out of his pocket on the way, he just wanted Jungkook safe. 

After running for a good 15 minutes, they had reached the hospital. He had screamed hysterically that they had to save his life..

"Sir." A doctor walked down the hall towards Taehyung, bowing slightly. "Are you Mr. Jeon's guardian?" The doctor asked, sadness laced in his voice.

"Y-yes." Taehyung stood up quickly. It had been about two hours since they had taken Jungkook into surgery. The doctor seemed sad, too sad. Taehyungs heart started to race. "Pl-please tell me.. he's okay? Right? He's okay?" Taehyung started to cry hysterically.

"Yes sir. He's fine." The doctor spoke, smiling slightly. "Sorry if I scared you; one of my favorite patients just died so I've been upset." He chuckled sadly. Taehyung dropped to his knees and cried. He just thanked the lord and cried. "You can come see him for a few minutes if that's what you would like to do."

Taehyung nodded quickly, following the doctor, and wiping his tears with both hands.

Before the door opened, the doctor stopped and looked at Taehyung seriously.

"He's asleep for now. We're not so sure he will wake up, that fight he got into gave him a very serious concussion. There's always a chance though. I'd says it's 50/50." Taehyung nodded, taking in this fact. 50/50 was not enough.. he needed Jungkook to wake up. He had so much to say, he had so much to do.. They were gonna get married, have a family, get a dog, have family movie nights.. there was so much they had to do. No, he had to wake up. He had to.

Taehyung couldn't wait any longer, and opened the door. When he walked into the room he felt his heart drop. Jungkook was laying lifeless in the bed. Face abnormally pale, lips drained of color. He had dark circles under his eyes and cuts all over his face. He was hooked up to so many machines. Taehyung started to cry again, running over to him, and sitting next to his bed. He grabbed Jungkooks smaller, frail hand in between his two larger ones and placed a quick kiss on it. He rubbed Jungkooks hand on his face, trying to get any sort of contact he could with the boy.

He just cried, for at least two hours until a nurse had come in and told him visiting hours were over. He kissed Jungkooks forehead as gently as he could, moving his beautiful, soft, chestnut bangs with his fingers.

• 2 months later •

"Tell then to send all of the paperwork to the hospital, I'm not leaving his side." Taehyung whisper yelled into the phone. He couldn't lie, he was stressed. Jungkook hadn't woken up yet and it had been 2 whole months. The doctors said to give it some time, but his patience was running out. School work was piling up, student loans preventing him from even feeding himself and keeping Jungkook in the hospital. He loved Jungkook more than life itself, but he was considering pulling the plug like the doctors had recommended everyday.

No. He hates himself for even thinking that. He yelled at the doctors every time they mentioned it. He could never. No matter how far into debt Jungkook drags him, there is still a chance. Even though the chances went from 50/50 to about 25/75 there was still a chance.

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