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"Taehyung. Kim. Wake up." The nurse shook the boy lightly. As his eyes opened, he saw a few police officers, a paramedic and two people from CPS. He jumped slightly, sitting up against the wall. The room smelled like, well, clean. Everything was pure white. He was definitely in the hospital. He hated hospitals, especially since he spent half of his childhood in one. He was stuck there up until last year.

"What? What do you all want?" Taehyung started to get angry and defensive. Nobody worried him, besides the CPS. He knew they were going to try to take him from his father, but he wouldn't let them. He'd be forced to move in with his aunt in Seattle. No way in hell was he going to leave his Jungkookie behind.

"We need to talk." One of the people from CPS spoke up.

Taehyung gulped.


"I'm going to kill him."

"No, Dowoonie calm down. Please? He's just going through some stuff right now." Jungkook pleaded, putting his small hand on Dowoons arm. He was fuming because Jungkook was crying.

"Calm down? He called you a faggot, talked about your dad and made you cry. That isn't okay!" Dowoon was so angry. Taehyung had the audacity to shatter Jungkooks heart, come back into his life and shatter it again. Taehyung was the devil in Dowoons eyes. He would definitely pay.


"No. He doesn't hit me, he hasn't hurt me. I've been in a few fights. That's all." Taehyung spoke harshly. He'd had this conversation with the CPS a few times. He always managed to get out of it.

"Sweetheart.. you have hand bruises around your wrists and your neck.. when we checked, there were clear signs of rape. He isn't here, you don't have to lie. We can just get him put away and you'll never have to worry about it again. You have just as much a right to feel safe as all of us." The lady spoke. She had a soft and comforting voice. She was clearly really sweet and felt terrible for Taehyung.

Tae just shook his head.

"Honey, if there is a specific reason for you not to tell us, we can find a way around it. If you're scared to leave your friends, we can definitely try to find you a foster family around here somewhere. All we need you to do is tell us what your horrible father had done to you." She sounded genuine. She really wanted to help Taehyung, but he just couldn't take any risks of losing Jungkook.

"Jiyoo, let me talk to the kid." Some other guy spoke a bit harshly. The woman nodded, turning to leave the room.

"Look kid. We already have enough proof that your father is going to be in prison for a long time. It's inevitable, but we still don't know all the details, so we need your help to give this sick man as long of a sentence as possible. He needs to pay for what he's done to you." The man was nice, but didn't have the warm and comfy feeling of the last woman. Taehyung sighed, no matter how hard they tried to make him, he wouldn't be going to Seattle. Since his father was already going to prison, Taehyung was going to make sure that that motherfucker rotted for the rest of his life.

"Can I talk to Jiyoo?"


Jungkook laid in his big bed, tangled up in his white sheets. He cried, and cried. He cried until he passed out. All because of that big idiot. He had finally gotten over him, he thought, until Taehyung decided to come back into his life. Just to hurt him again.

He hadn't eaten in two weeks, the familiar burn and weakness returning to his body. It made him feel good. To know that things were going back to normal. He had broken things off with Dowoon an hour prior, using the excuse that he still wasn't over Taehyung, although it wasn't a lie. The boy was upset, yes, but he accepted it and told Jungkook he'd be there for the boy though everything. 

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