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"Ugh." Jungkook mumbled groggily, sitting up from his bed. His head hurt really bad and he could barely remember the events of last night. He gasped when he remembered falling asleep on Taehyungs chest. "Ah, you idiot!" He whispered to himself, trying to stand up quietly without the boy in the bathroom noticing he was awake. He made it halfway across the room tiptoeing before hearing a clearing of a throat. He turned around and met eyes with the other boy. His grey hair was wet and he wasn't wearing a shirt. Jungkooks heart skipped a beat like it did all of those years ago for the same boy. Jungkook panicked slightly, running past Taehyung and locking himself in the bathroom. He sighed, realizing that he couldn't avoid Taehyung forever. He readied himself for the day, noticing a little charm bracelet on the counter. More specifically, the charm bracelet Jungkook gave to him on their first Valentine's Day together. He subconsciously grabbed it, stuffing it in his pocket before walking to the kitchen to make breakfast for himself. A piece of toast. He hadn't eaten much since Taehyung left. Not much at all. He was always pretty good at hiding it. A few minutes later; a distraught Taehyung runs out of the bathroom.

"Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck!" He whisper yelled to himself, frantically searching everything. His bags, his desk, everything. He started freaking out. "Have you seen a bracelet koo?" Taehyung asked, a bit panicky. Jungkook started to panic a bit too. Why was this bracelet so important to him? It was just a crappy charm bracelet from a few years back. It only cost about $7. Tae was overacting.

"No.." he lied blatantly. Taehyung didn't seem to notice. Jungkook coughed and slid it onto the little table in the kitchen. He held it up. "This bracelet?" Jungkook asked, innocently fluttering his lashes. Taehyung let out a heavy breath he was holding as he walked over and grabbed it, sliding it on his wrist, admiring it in all of its cheap, fake, turn your skin green silver like it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

"Why- why do you still have that?" Jungkook asked nervously, unsure of what the answer would be.

"It's very important to me, Koo." Taehyung whispered. He was so relieved to be able to talk to his Jungkookie  again. Oh how he missed his beautiful face and angelic voice.

"Wonder why." Jungkook mumbled sarcastically, before hopping up like a cute little bunny and walking to the bathroom, his hips swaying slightly.


"Okay class, we have a new student who didn't get to Join us yesterday. His name is Kim Taehyung." Mr. Kim smiled at the boy who was standing at the front of the room. Jungkook groaned and put his head down. "Please make him feel very welcomed."

"Could I sit with Jungkook?" Taehyung whispered to the teacher. He smiled and nodded watching as Taehyung took his seat next to Jungkook. Jungkook sat up and looked into Taehyung's beautiful eyes.

"Hi, cutie." Taehyung whispered to the boy, gently brushing the raven hair from his eyes. Jungkook groaned once more, slamming his head down on the desk this time. Taehyung chuckled and the teacher began the lesson.


Sorry for the short chapter after being gone for so long babes, I've just been hella busy lately. Funerals/ personal stuff I don't rly wanna talk ab so the next update will be longer and better I promise! I love all of you!! 💕

 Funerals/ personal stuff I don't rly wanna talk ab so the next update will be longer and better I promise! I love all of you!! 💕

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