"Not if I see you first."

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We turned to see Ace Merrill and Eyeball Chambers

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We turned to see Ace Merrill and Eyeball Chambers.

"Son of a bitch! My little brother!"

"Wasn't plannin' on takin' the body from us, was you, boys?" Ace then looked around at us, smirking. "And ladies," he slightly bowed.

I looked over at Cherry with wide eyes. 'What the fuck?' I mouthed. She looked back at me, her eyes the same size as mine.

They walked over to us. "You better get away, man," Chris started. "We found him. We got dibs."

Ace and Eyeball looked at each other, then back at us. "Ahh. We better start runnin', Eyeball. They got dibs." Eyeball chuckled annoyingly.

"We earned it, man! You guys came in a car, that's not fair, he's ours!"

"That's not fair, he's ours!" Eyeball mocked. God, I hated that guy. "Well, not anymore."

"There's eight of us, Eyeball," Teddy spoke up. "Just make your move."

"Oh, we will," Ace spoke. "Don't you worry." Just then, about five other guys came from the same direction they did. One of which, was Billy Tessio; Verno's older brother.

"Vern, you little son of a whore," funny how he called his own mom a whore. I could've sworn he had an IQ of six. "You was under the porch!"

"No," Vern denied, putting up his hands in defense. "No! I swear! It wasn't me!" As they walked up to us, the others ran off. I stood beside Chris and Cherry was behind me.

'Pussies,' I thought.

"You guys have two choices," Ace began. "You either leave quietly - we take the body, or stay - we beat the shit outta you and take the body."

"Besides, me and Billy found him first," Vern's brother added.

"Yeah, Vern told us how you pussied out," Cherry mumbled.

"Okay, your ass is grass!"

"Hold it," Ace stopped him. "Okay Chambers, you little faggot. This is your last chance. What do you say, kid?"

He was silent. "Why don't you go home and fuck your mother some more?" Eyeball sighed at his brother.

For some unknown reason, he grabbed Cherry, holding a switchblade to her throat. I put my hand over my mouth as I teared up. We were all frozen.

Soon Gordie came over, holding a gun. The guys eventually fucked off. As soon as they left, Cherry and I were hugging each other and crying.

"God, I thought you were gonna fucking die," I sobbed into her shoulder. "I thought I lost you!"

"I love you, Aspen," she cried back.

"I love you too." I looked back at Chris. "Come here." He stood beside of us and I slung an arm around his neck. I kissed the side of his mouth as I felt him kiss back. "God, I love you. I LOVE ALL YOU ASSHOLES!"

I soon felt the others gather around us, joining us in a huge group hug.

We didn't take credit for finding him. We decided it'd be best to make anonymous call.


It was dark by the time we finally got home. Chris and I stood in the empty streets, watching our friends walk away. When they were gone, he looked at me.

"Is it fucked up to say that I enjoyed seeing you again?"

"No," I replied in a hushed voice. "I enjoyed seeing you too." There was a moment of silence.

"Will I ever see you again?"

"Do you wanna see me again?"

"Of course."

We fell silent again. Chris looked around the street and houses. "I'm never gonna get out of this town, am I, Aspen?" He asked, admiring our surroundings.

"Of course you are."

"I am?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "We all are. We'll all move outta this shit town and become mothers and fathers. And we'll try to give our kids a better life than we had."

More silence.

"Well," I started. "See ya."

He turned to me with his classic Chris Chambers smirk. "Not if I see you first."


eww this is so bad. i had a part with Aspen and Jackie but i cut it out bc it was crusty as fuck


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