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After the shit show from before, we started walking again in hopes to forget the situation

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After the shit show from before, we started walking again in hopes to forget the situation. But it wasn't long before Teddy started crying. Chris, Verno, and Dolores were immediately by his side, consoling him.

"Just stop it! Alright," he exclaimed, rubbing his eyes. "Enough already!" We were all silent for a second before Teddy spoke again. "Sorry if I'm ruining your good time," he mumbled.

"Maybe it shouldn't be a good time," I replied after another moment of silence.

Chris looked at me, his hand still resting on Teddy's shoulder. "You sayin' you wanna go back?"

"No. It's just that, we're finding a dead body. Maybe it shouldn't be a party." The boys looked around at each other as they thought about what I said.

"Yeah, like, what if the body has blood n' guts n' shit all over it?" Verno exclaimed, making us all cringe. "I might have nightmares!"


After we walked awhile, we came in front of some more tracks. Now of course, we were already on the tracks, but these tracks were different. These tracks were on a pretty unstable looking bridge, which was about a hundred feet off ground.

"Any of you guys know when the next train is due?" Verno asked.

"We could go down to the route - 136 - bridge," Chris replied.

"What are you, crazy?" Dolores started. "That's five miles down the river. You walk five miles down the river you gotta walk five miles back. That could take 'til dark. If we go across here, we'll get to the same place in ten minutes."

"But if a train comes there's nowhere to go," Shelby explained slowly. 

"Jump," Teddy answered.

"Teddy, that's a hundred feet."

"Okay. You guys can go 'round if you want. I'm crossing here. And while you guys are dragging your candy - asses half way across the state and back, I'll be waiting for you on the other side, relaxing with my thoughts."

"You use your left or right hand for that?" I remarked.

Teddy looked at me slowly. "You wish."

And we somehow ended up crossing the bridge. Stupid, I know. I was walking between Chris and Shelby. Occasionally, Chris would turn back to me.

"You okay?" He'd ask.

"I'm fine."

When we were about half way across the bridge, we heard the word we all dreaded hearing.


Chris and I looked at each other for a split second.

"Oh shit!" I yelled. Chris grabbed my hand, dragging me off the tracks. Eventually we were all off the tracks. Well, all except three of us. Cherry and Gordie were stuck behind Verno, who was crawling and crying in fear.

"GODDAMNIT VERNO," Cherry yelled, pushing him. "WE'RE GONNA FUCKIN' DIE!"

When they were just about to get hit, Gordie pushed Cherry and Verno onto the closest land next to them, before jumping himself.

"At least we know when the next train is due."


happy new year!! i'm trying not to cry bc i have to go back to school soon :)


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