"Remember me."

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The year is 1971

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The year is 1971.

I let out a visible huff, due to the cold November weather. I felt a wave of nostalgia as I admired the old, red Rosie's Diner sign. I hadn't been there since the mid - sixties, so it was a nice change of pace.

I heard a bell as I walked through the glass door, taking a seat in the first empty booth I saw. I twiddled my thumbs as I listened to the old 50's music they still played.

A young waitress walked over to my booth. "Welcome to Rosie's Diner! I'm Elizabeth, I'll be taking care of you today. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Yeah, just a coffee. Half and half. Please," I answered, quickly adding the please. Ever since Jackie had been taking care of me, I learned how annoying disrespectful customers were. I always tried to avoid being one.

Almost immediately after Elizabeth left, the bell rang. I looked up to see a familiar man around my age.

'No fucking way,' I thought. "Chris?"

His eyes met mine and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Aspen?" He walked over to my booth and stood there. We stared at each other for a second.

"You wanna sit?" I asked, snapping out of my trance.

"Yeah, thank you," he replied, sitting across from me.

I took a moment to look at him. His hair was shorter than the last time I saw him. He looked more mature now; like a man instead of a boy. His eyebrows were dark and beautiful. The tip of his nose was red from the cold weather. God, I loved his nose.

"Look at you," I smiled.

"Look at me? Look at you," he smiled back. "You look beautiful!"

I felt my ears turn red as Elizabeth brought me my coffee. I thanked her, taking a sip. Chris looked out the window at the dark sky, then back at me.

"Isn't it a little too late for coffee?"

"It's never too late for coffee."

He chuckled in response and continued talking. "My God, you look gorgeous. What are you doing here? I thought you moved after highschool."

"I did. I'm just visiting my sister - she's pregnant."

"Wow, I'm sorry."

"What?" I asked after taking another sip of my coffee. "No, no. It's good."

"Oh," Chris realized, smiling shyly.

"Yeah," I giggled.


"Don't even worry about it," I smiled. "So what are you doing down here?"

"I have a client down here. I'm a lawyer now," he smiled proudly.

"You actually became a lawyer?"

"I actually became a lawyer."

"That's sick! So when are you going home?"

"This is my last day, I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

My face dropped when he said that. I had just gotten there the day before.




The next morning, I woke up in the bed of his hotel. Chris sat on the edge, tying his shoes.

"Good morning," he greeted sadly. I gave a sad smile in return.

We were silent before he spoke up again.

"You wanna go to the airport with me?"

"Sure," I blinked as I began getting dressed.

It was very early, so Chris let me sleep on his shoulder in the taxi.

We soon stood in the crowded airport, waiting for his flight to be called.

"I guess this is the last time I'll see you, huh?"

"Probably," he frowned, handing me money. "For the ride home."


More silence.

"We were always really great together, weren't we?" He asked, smiling. I smiled back, tearing up.

His flight was then called on the intercoms. Chris looked at me with teary eyes. "I have to go."

"I know," I replied, wiping my eyes. He took off his (almost army looking) jacket and put it around me, pulling me closer. He kissed me softly.

"Remember me."

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