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Kyra's POV:

My eyes flung open when I feel someone was playing with my hair...

Then I saw him smiling at me..

"You're up.."he said in his morning deep voice.

What happened last night thinking that.....my face flushed red.
How can he be so calm while my heart is going to explode..

I quickly stood up from the bed feeling awkward and turned around him..

"U-um I'm going to my room"

"Why?~" he said with a disappointed look...

"What 'why' we have school today so I have to get ready you too get ready!"I said as I got out of his room .

Why is he acting sooooo good to me...

°At hell(school)°

I was walking through the hallway where all the students where keeping their stuffs in the locker..

No sooner I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jungkook...?

"Hi..." He says.

"Hey" I said as I hit his arm playfully....

"Where are you going?" He asked

"Um classroom."

"Oka-" He was cut off by a loud sound of closing the locker door..

I turned around and Saw....

.... the love of my life..
Byun Baekhyun...

Well he doesn't know that I like him...ughhhh..


He is my crush.

My mouth always drools when I see him..

I was just staring at him when he stood in front of me with a annoyed face...

Omagashhh!!! He is lit!!!

He slightly push me from his path and walked away while I'm just staring at him with my mouth open....

I tried to fan myself with my hand as he is so hot af!!!!


Author's POV:

Jungkook was like what is going on here...
He was all the Time looking at her from behind...

He just can't bare it...so when Baekhyun walked away he gently shake her body...

"Hey what happened?"he said as he rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth

Kyra was just watching him until he disappeared and she said...

"He is damn hot right??"She said while again fanning herself..

"What? He just pushed you from his path and you're saying he...huh..
Nevermind.."he said with anger..

"What? I like that type of boy don't you think when he pushed me with his annoyed face he was looking hotter than ever!"she said while giving expression to understand the feelings of her..
While he just rolled his in....

"He is not that hot....the hottest guy is here! in front of you!!"he said pointing at himself..

Kyra waa irritated by what he said and he looked at him ..

"What!! You the hottest guy? OMG in your dreams you might be hotter than him but he doesn't do things which you did to me!"

Ughh...he felt a little bit of guilt..

"Kyra I told you I'm really sorry!!"

She didn't say anything but walked away from him....

Kyra's POV:
At home

I gathered all my courage to tell him that my cousin will come here next week well not yet...

Currently I am infront of his door room..

"Knock on my door before coming~!" I again mimick his voice coz it was hella irritating when he said that..

I knocked on the door sooner I heard a response so I came inside....

I saw him nervously smiling at me..

I sat on the couch and faced him.

"Uh... I just want you to the something"

"Yeah please go on"

Oohw why he is so nice..
Fuck that!

"Look I'm sorry about what happened at the school I didn't mean okay I was just a bit frustrated--"I was saying these like the speed of light when he cut me off.

"Umm uhh i-its o-okay!"

"Thank you" I said..

~~1minutelater~~(SpongeBob style)

Awkward awkward awkward


Then I broke it (dab inside my head)

"Uh I just came to asked you something.."

"Okay tell me!"

"My u-u my cousin will come to Meet me here so is that ok for you?"

"Yeah sure!!!"he said smiling"btw girl or boy"

What is he asking..



"Then....... I'll get going now bye.


°Next day°

We were in the school library searching some books for Mr.Hans..

We means Edawn and Eunwoo.
I don't know where he is....
Probably flirting with those bitches..

I was just searching the books on the upper shelf when Edawn started to joke around..

"Hey girl you like me a little bit?" He said winking.

I turned around while chuckling and crossed my arms against my chest..

"No I don't even like you a little bit!"I played along and said while flipping my hair.

"Come-on girl you like me a little bit!" This time Eunwoo came chuckling and standing behind Edawn...

"Huh... Not even a little bit!" I said  tapping his shoulder smiling..

"Wait don't you like me a little bit" He said showing his fingers in a bit position..in a sad way..



Jungkook came from nowhere and shouted at them making all of the students in library turned around and looked at us...

I felt really embarrassed..

"Woah Jungkook calm down t-they are just joking around..." I said while grabbing his arm.

He turned to look at me..

His eyes were burning with fire....

"We are sorry!" They said looking down.

But he pushed my hand walked away.....

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