I don't feel good anymore. The only reason to leave the comfort of my bed is knowing I have work to finish. The only reason to look at this screen is to find a stuble joy in my games. I don't want to move. Food has become tasteless. Life is becoming to much effort. So many things I must do and it feels like each thing I touch has broken. Why waste my time dragging my now limp life around doing things I don't wish to do. I don't want to pretend yet I'm not sure what's real.
I could start with myself. Isolation. Few words. Go back to the feelings you know so well. Lonely and alone molding into one being again. Shutting down doesnt take effort. I could shut down and fall into my self again. I could put the little girl back in her room. I warned her before she left. I warned her this was to much and to dangerous. I could shut down.
I fear that she is gone though. I fear the little girl as left. I fear I'm truly alone inside myself.
Write Me A Forever
Random*"sequel" to Letters Unsent* This is me moving on to a new stage in a life I'm slowing taking a hold of. If you read Letters Unsent then consider these sent.