Chapter 2

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Ellie's P.O.V. 

I look around the house that I lived in for about 4 years, moving here when I was 10 years old. I never really thought of it as a home, like I never see my family as my family. Their just people that birthed me, people like them will never be my family. I will never be like them, power hungry and blood status "matters" kind of people. 

I look at the time "11:00" then I make my way downstairs to talk to my parents. I already finished packing up my things and I'm ready to go. We can't apparate because of how far it is, so we have to take the airplane. Which is weird because that is something muggles take. 

I put my fake face on when I see my parents in the dining room. 

"Mother, Father, when are we going to be leaving?" I asked. 

"We shall leave in an hour," Noella Williamson said

"Did you finish packing" Frederick Williamson said 

"Yes father," I said. 

"okay, you are free to do anything in the meantime," said Frederick 

I go back upstairs and pick up my little fox. Her name is crystal and she is a fire breathing fox. Let me explain a little more. Crystal is the last of her kind. She is a fire breathing fox that can get bigger, she has three stages. Her first stage is what she always in and it's a small fox. Then she gets bigger to the size of a horse or a little bigger. Her last stage is the size of a dragon. She looks different than all her other forms, she has wings and doesn't look like a fox. (Her forms would be at the end of the chapter.) Crystal goes everywhere with me. She isn't exactly legal, she is very dangerous but I can control her so I never had a problem with bringing her places. Also people don't really know what kind of creature she is so they don't understand how dangerous she actually is. Crystal doesn't really do anything unless I ask her.

 Anyway, I walk towards my bed with Crystal in my arms. What am I going to do for an hour. I look around my room. I always loved my room, never once did my parents change it nor care that it was different than what they would like but I loved it. I had a really big bedroom. It was a grayish blue room with floating fairy lights all around the room. I had also had a big window seat over looking my "secret" garden, it wasn't really a secret.  My parents knew I had it and would go inside to get me. But it was my place and my parents would only go in to get me. 

I'm kind of upset that we are moving, I love it here in America. I don't want to leave my other friends. We are going back to where that Riddle guy will be and I don't like that. He always tried to read my mind, of course I didn't let him but I didn't let him know that he was reading my fake thoughts. I would never let him read my real thoughts that would be bad. He will know just how powerful I am. He will try harder to get me to join his side. He would force me to get the dark mark. I don't want that to happen.

"Ellie come down, we are leaving now"My father said pulling me out of my thoughts. I look at the time and notice it's 12:00, damn I was in my thoughts for an hour. I look around my room to see if I'm missing anything. I go out the door, taking my suitcase with me. I grab Crystal, at that moment, I remember something, Crystal can't go on a muggle plane. 

I go downstairs to tell mother and father about Crystal and how are we getting her on the plane. I walk down the stairs and see mother and father by the fireplace waiting for me. 

"Mother, how is Crystal getting on the plane, "I ask 

"We are taking a magical plane," Noella said, I look at her with a blank expression. I never heard about a magical plane before but it makes sense. We are talking about Frederick and Noella, they are crazy pure-bloods, of course they won't take a muggle plane.  

Mother gives me some floo powder and told me the place I have to say. Father is the first one to go through with all of his belongings. Then I go next with my things plus Crystal. 

I feel the same feeling that I always get when I floo powder. It always makes me feel sick and that I have to puke. Aghhh, what a great feeling. 

I get out of the fireplace and look around. This is definitely not a muggle airport, I mean I never been to one but I'm sure that muggles don't know how to make signs float around. There was floating signs and moving statues pointing and showing you directions, so this is a magical airport. This place is so big too, gosh I'm going to get lost if I don't following my parents.  

I follow my Mother and Father to the plane we have to take to get to London. After we went through all that airport stuff, we finally broad the plane. Which had an house-elf as a flight a attendant. 

Just so I can be on this damn plane for 7 hours. You would think that maybe the wizards and witches would find a way to enhance the plane to get to places faster. 

 I look out the window while petting Crystal. This is going to be a long ride with my parents. 


 Whats up guys. How has your day been so far. I'm currently in school, thinking about taking online schooling.  School is so stressful. 

Crystal's forms 

Crystal's forms 

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Form 2 ^

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Form 1 

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