Chapter 3

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Ellie's P.O.V.

The plane ride was ok, other than the fact that my parents kept giving dirty looks to the people around them. Assuming that some of them are muggle-born or half-bloods. Which was a disgrace to the wizarding world. I know they will know who is pure-blood by going to those meetings that pure-bloods go to. I saw like 3 families that went to those meetings. Other than that I didn't see any other pure-bloods. My parents probably got those pure-bloods to follow Voldemort. I wouldn't be surprised if I see them with the dark mark. I don't even want to think about it, it makes me feel sick. 

But other than that, I mostly just slept, looked out the window, or petting Crystal. I can't believe I'm going back to London. I left all my friends behind, my life in America. I loved it in Ilvermorny and it makes me sad that I have to leave it all behind me. Everyone knew me and I knew everyone in Ilvermorny. I will have to start all over in Hogwarts. I guess that won't be too bad but still, I'm going to miss everyone in Ilvermorny. Especially annoying all the professors with my awesome pranks. I will never be able to prank anyone there or brighten someone's day. 

I was brought out of my thoughts when I bumped into my mother. Noella turned around and glared at me. She shoved floo powder into my hands and told me the address of the new "home". Frederick went through the fireplace first. Next up was me, I say the words with confidence and then I was sucked into the fireplace, the amazing nauseous feeling came to me. I just LOVE feeling like I'm going to puke. Once I feel like I'm not going to puke anymore. I wipe the invisible dirt off my clothes. I look around to see that I'm in the living room of my childhood home. The house looked the same as when I used to live here 4 years ago. There was not even a speck of dust anywhere. Veeky the house-elf did a good job of cleaning the house. I walk upstairs into the familiar halls and walk to my bedroom. I open the door to my room and look around. There was a king-sized bed, a dresser, and a desk in the room but other than that it was empty, waiting to be decorated. Next to my door, there was a large box, which I assumed was all my stuff from my old house. I put Crystal on the bed and start to unpack my stuff. 

After lots of unpacking and hanging up stuff, I'm finally done with my room. Pleased with how my room came out. I pick up Crystal and head outside into my secret garden. My garden had lots of different flowers and a large tree with a swing. My garden is still very beautiful but the weeds grew in. I'm going to have to clean out the garden. Crystal ran to the swing and got comfortable. I look around my garden again before I start to get to work. It at least took about 3 hours to finish my garden. I was sweating and was covered in dirt so I took a shower. When I finished my shower I went back out to my garden. Dinner would be ready in 2 hours so I decided to just relax in my garden with a book. It didn't even feel like 2 hours passed when I started walking back inside. Time flew by so fast when I become enchanted by my book. Books always make time fly by for me. 

Dinner was spent in silence. I mean it was always silent, my parents say it's bad manners to speak whiling eating. When I finish eating, I asked to be excused. Once I was excused I left to go to the forest that is next to my house. I walk really deep into the forest until I see the tree I marked so long ago. That means I'm close to where I want to go. I told Amber and Isabella to meet me here because my parents aren't that fond of them. Right when I made it to our spot, I see Isabella and Amber making their way here. We talk and talk for hours. For we knew after this day we won't hang out like we used to. We will go our separate ways and make new friends but we will always be friends and that will never change. It was like this in Ilvermorny too, we hung out together but not all the time. We had different groups of friends but we were still best friends. We trust each other with things that we might not want to tell our group of friends. I love our friendship and I wouldn't want to trade it for the world. No one can replace them. It was midnight when we finished talking about whatever came to mind. We were so tired that if we had stayed up any longer we wouldn't be getting up on time to leave for school tomorrow.  I walk back to my room and jump on my bed. I just lay there staring at my ceiling for a while. Tomorrow is the day I go to Hogwarts. My life is going to be different but I'm ready for the new adventures to come. Finally, I drift off going into a dreamless sleep. 


Thanks for reading. Until next time, Bye!!!

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