[Chapter Seven] Car Rides and Meeting Mother

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*Dedication to JaydeBaby, thank you so much for just commenting on almost every chapter, it means a lot to me, it really honestly does, it means you take time to write even just a small piece of encouragement and I'd like to thank you for just continuing to support this story. xoxo*

[Author's Note]

Okay so as mentioned in the last foreword, this is back to Adrianna's point of view. I know it's kind of boring this one, but I'd just like to say another huge thank you to everyone who's commented in particular. They honestly do keep me going. Next upload should be in a couple of hours, if I can be bothered, seeing as I'm in a writing mood right now. Also, don't feel as if you have to picture the characters as the actors and stuff in the cast. That's just how I personally see them, but if you have suggestions then please do tell me or anything, I love seeing how people portray my characters!



Car Rides and Meeting Mother

I was escorted through the crowd of partiers in the house by Andrew, his hand gripping onto my elbow, almost as if he was scared to lose me in the sea of people. Tingles shot up my arm where my skin and his made contact, and my thoughts went back to our kiss. 

I don’t know what had possessed me to do that, but I was glad I did. It was as if a fuse had gone off and an explosion had happened as our lips had made contact; it was explosive.

“Ads, fuck I am so sorry, I never meant to…” Dean said as he stepped towards me with a sad expression on his face. 

“Get the hell away from her mutt” Andrew seethed as; once again, he pushed me behind him, his hand wrapped around my wrist. The only difference this time was that I had no intention of stepping away from the protection he gave me. I could feel the anger that was radiating off of Andrew and I couldn’t help but unwrap his hand from my wrist and grab his hand, reveling in the feeling of our skin making contact. I heard a small breathy sigh escape his lips and I smiled to myself as the anger that he was radiating seemed to cool down a bit.

“Look, I really don’t want to start anything here Jacobs, because I know how much it’ll hurt her, so I’m telling you as calmly as I can, step away and back off” Andrew said in a clipped voice. I could quite literally feel my jaw dropping at what he said. 

“You’ve been here two days Jamieson, two fucking days, and you’re acting as if Adrianna is yours”

“I’m done here, I plan on taking her home, and I’ll deal with you another time. You have my word on that Jacobs.” Andrew said, with a tone of finality and sincerity in his voice. I was pulled back towards the door as I whipped my head back and saw Dean staring angrily at him, before he noticed my gaze and shifting his expression to one of worry and offering me a small smile, one that I couldn’t help but return.

I allowed Andrew to steer me out of the house, people were glancing curiously at us as we walked out the door. They were probably wondering why I was with him, I mean it wasn’t everyday that the new guy went for the girl who liked to stay out of attention; right?

Once we’d gotten to the driveway of the house, Andrew stopped his steps and turned around to look at me. He still looked slightly angry and I couldn’t help but feel myself inwardly sighing at how attractive he looked despite the traces of anger on his features.

“Andrew, look I know you told me that you’re hiding something from me, and that you’d tell me soon enough. But I’m just so confused right now” I said as I hesitantly looked back at him, his eyes showing every ounce of emotion he was feeling. My mother always said that the eyes were the window to someone’s soul, and she sure as hell was right this time. 

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