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Seung-Wan came busting through the door. She didn't seem too happy.

"Did you really just leave me in there? What's wrong with you", her nose flared in annoyance.

I chuckled. It's always funny to see her mad reactions. "Sorry...", accidentally I let out a laugh.

Sis rolled her eyes. "Whatever... Don't you have work tonight?". Glad she reminded me because my thoughts were focused on that girl named Sana.

"Right...", I checked my phone, looking at the time. "I've got a few mins to spare. My job is just down the street anyways". Sis had a deadpanned expression.

She dug into her purse, bringing out her keys. "Well, see you when I see you-", she smirked, "-my little brat".

I'm pretty sure I made the most digusted face I could make. Cause I felt it. "Don't even go there", my head shook in disbelief as I walked away from her.

"Have fun at work!". I turned back to face Seung-Wan. Seeing her waving her hand like a crazy woman. My dear sister, I truly wonder about you.

[. . .]

Working at a bar is surprisngly really interesting. I'm not one to drink alcohol on the daily, but I've seen a few customers come in like it was their job. Most get themselves so drunk that they start talking about their life problems and such. Me, being the good samaritan that I am, will always wholeheartedly listen to their rants. They also tip good if they feel that you're listening to them.

"My wife was so gorgeous". This man is named Wosok. He's always here after work. It seems like his job is stressful, though he always talks about his ex-wife, Marissa. I only know because he mentions about her non-stop.

Mr. Wosok took a big gulp of the vodka that I prepared for him. Sometimes I'm worried about him and his alcholic ways.

"Kid... If you ever...and I say ever... Find a woman so gorgeous-", he wiped his mouth", -Do make sure... you...never...let her go".

As drunk and helpless he may seem, Mr.Wosok is surprisngly a very optimistically motivating guy.

A smile appeared on my face. "I'll keep that in mind Mr.Wosok", I said while cleaning the glass in my hand. He nodded and had an expression like a proud father of his child.

"Good kid...good", and with that, he took one final gulp of his drink. "Thanks for hearing me out as always". Mr.Wosok set down a tip of $40. It's not required to tip, but he does so anyways.

"There's no need Mr.Wosok", I waved my hand in rejection to his kind offer.

He shook his head. "Please, allow me to tip. It's the least I can do kid. You've made this bar much more lively than all the years since I've been here".

I bowed my head. "Thank you, I appreciate it". He grabbed his things and drunkily left from the bar. My eyes looked to the $40 that was on the counter. Customers like him really make the night-shift a bit more interesting. A sigh escaped from my mouth as I continued to clean the glasses.


"Yes sir?", I turned to face my boss, Kim Jong-Kook.

"You can head on home now. I'll close up the bar", he was leaning against the counter as a pen fiddled in his hand.

My eyes grew wide. "I can go home?". He nodded his head in confirmation. "Wha-Thank you sir, thank you so much". I bowed my head multiple times. Man, so glad to be getting off early. I'm tired as hell.

I quickly gathered my things. Basically just my backpack and phone. As I was heading out the door I made sure to wave goodbye to my boss. He's a cool dude...and buff.

Jesus it's cold. Even though Spring is here, the breezy wind is no joke. I like it though. When the wind hits my face, it helps me realize that I'm alive. If that makes sense.

Anyways, the walk from work to home isn't that long. About 20mins or so.

Walking without a care in the world. I love seeing the nightlife in Gangnam, it never fails to amaze me.

The crosswalk light was red, meaning no good to walk, obviously. While waiting, I blew into my hands to warm them up. Can't wait to drink ho--

"Lady watch out!"

▶ = ◀

Too many groups to stan, and not enough storage on my phone to keep all the memes.

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