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Good grief. Glad that whole mess is over...

I sighed, putting the clean glasses away into the cabinet.


"Yes boss?"

"Who was that man causing all the ruckus? Y'know him?", Boss deadpanned as he looked in the direction of where that shitty guy was sitting before I escorted him out.

"I didn't know him sir"

"Good", he went over to the table, determined to clean up the remaining mess left behind the fight.

I watched him as he swept the floor. Cause I know for a fact, this man will definitely find that drunk guy and he the shit out of him. Don't ask me why I know this... but I lowkey feel like my boss was a professional boxer or something. Just a guess.

[. . .]  

"Night boss!", I waved to him.

"Take care, kid"

I nodded and headed out the bar. Relieved but also a bit bothered. Bothered because my mind keeps replaying how uncomfortable Jihyo looked while that man kept touching all up on her.

I sighed, focusing my attention to the red crosswalk sign.

My mind just feels all jumbled up...

♪ If they don't know your worth

Tell 'em you're my girl

And anything you want is yours


If they don't know your worth

Tell 'em you're my girl

And anything you want is yours ♪

Who blasts music so loud this late at night?

My eyes glanced at the blonde haired girl rocking a jumpsuit in all black. And to be honest, she really slayed that outfit.

"Tell 'em you're my giiirrllll", she sung out. It seems she's feeling herself, maybe a bit too much, but I won't stop her. Instead of killing her vibe, I chuckled. She's cute and she's got a nice voice. 

But before I realized it, she stood next to me, blasting that music right in my ear as we both waited for the streetlight to change.

I glanced at her, seeing she was still grooving to her music.


A smirk grew on my face, and just as I was thinking about looking away, her eyes suddenly gazed up at me.

I gulped and was surprised to see her staring back. Literally frozen in place as we just casually stared at eachother. Hearing the loud music swarming our ears, forgetting about the world around us.

"--ght", her mouth moved but I could barely hear what she was saying.

"What was that!?", I slightly yelled over the music. But all she did was smile.

I blinked my eyes as I seen her walking away from me, dancing across the street without a care in the world.

Would it be weird to say that I'm feeling quite...lovestruck? It that what this feeling is? I mean we just stared at eachother, exchanging no words at all as we zoned out to the music.

Can you even call this...like love?

"What happened to you? You're face is red as hell", Sis asked as I lazily sat myself next to her on the couch.

"I dunno..."

It's true... I really don't know what I'm feeling right now. 

Sis hummed and just focused her attention back to the T.V.

► = ◄

Oof sorry for a shorter chapter ;(

I wonder if y'all know who was in this chap this time? Hmm hmm lol 

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