Collide (Zayn)

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"Oh my gosh my legs are killing me." "Oh yeah, how was practice yesterday?" "Not too bad. I beat my time doing 6 laps around the track; 10:13. But of course Jordan had to show me up with getting 8:12." "Jordan, he's the assistant coach right?" "Ah yes! He's so sexy. I've seen that guy dance and doing those moves in bed, damn." "Wait Mads, he's a teacher." "Assistant coach but I'm also 18. Who would pass that up?" I sighed sitting at the lunch table outside next to Emma. "Did you know she's been sleeping with the soccer coach?" "Assistant." Mads added. "Oh yeah, I thought she'd tell you sooner." "Apparently not." "Hey, you're dating that kid Zayn Malik right?" A girl with a too short of a skirt and a shirt that barley covered her belly button asked. Seriously, if she bent down you'd see everything. "Yeah, why?" I asked taking a sip of my iced tea. "Hmm, no reason. You just don't look like the type that he'd keep for very long; he's probably using you for something. But that's none of my business, best of luck to you both." She giggled walking away with her two laughing friends. "Don't listen to that bitch; she's full of herself." "Just remember, he's yours and not hers." Mads smiled. That's true. Morgan was Zayn's step sister. Zayn told me she's trashy and used to try hooking up with him any chance she got. *Beep beep* "Alright, I'll catch you guys later alright?" "Okay, don't forget about my game tomorrow afternoon! I'll pick you up at 2!" Mads yelled after me. "Got it!" Zayn was reaching over to the passenger seat to push open the door when I got to it, "Hey beb." That accent is to die for. I smiled and climbed into the car. "I saw you talking to Morgan." "She's such a b.tch." "You got that right. What'd she say anyway?" "Oh nothing, basically that I'm not your type and you're probably just using me. "Are you kidding?" "Nope." "You know that's not true right?" "Course." I smiled reassuringly kissing his cheek. "Where to?" "Let's just drive around for a while." "Ohkeh, you wunt tah gut ice crehm?" I giggled, "Yeah, sure." "Why are yeh gigglen?" "Your accent, it's adorable. Why c.nt eye tuk liek thaht?" "Ey, there yeh go!" "Hey, you gotta wait till we're out of the parking lot for that." I said snatching Zayn's cigarette from his fingers. "What are they going to do? Suspend me?" I glared at him. "Fine fine." Zayn started driving past the courtyard; my attention was on my feet. "When do you go back?" "What?" "When do you go back to school?" "Ehm, I got suspended a week ago for getting into it with Jason. I broke his nose and busted his lip, the principle said two weeks out of school plus an extra six months on my parole for vandalizing." "A fight and vandalizing? Zayn-" "Don't okay, I don't need you turning against me too." We were stopped at a red light. "Zayn I would never, I- sorry." "No, I'm sorry it's just-" 'I grabbed his hand feeling him tense up. "You don't have to explain anything to me right now or at all if you don't want to okay?" Zayn unclenched his teeth and relaxed. "Alfie's as always?" "Of course! They have the best ice cream known to man! Their frozen yogurt is the best!" Zayn chuckled. We drove in silence for about 5 minutes until he spoke. "Is your mom gunna be mad?" "She's always mad at me." "Probably gunna be more than mad since you're with me." Like everyone else, my mom wasn't too fond of Zayn. She didn't despise him as much as everybody else though, she tolerated him. But when I started dating him, she took more caution. A few moments later we arrived at Alfie's. "Shall we go in or drive thru?" "Hmm, let's go in this time." Zayn got out of the car and jogged to the opposite side to open my door. "Mah ladeh." I giggled and got out doing a curtsy. "So, vanilla frozen yogurt with raspberry swirl? Chocolate chips too?" "Hmm, you know me so well." Zayn smiled and interlocked his fingers with mine. "I'm gunna guess that today you're thinking of getting a vanilla frozen yogurt with razzleberry drizzle?" "CORRECT!"


We came out with our frozen yogurts and were about to sit down when we both saw Jason coming our way. I squeezed Zayn's hand tightly trying to calm him down, he squeezed back tighter. "Well well, always a pleasure Y/N. Remember, when you get sick of this lowlife scumbag," Jason was right in Zayn's face now. "I'll be around." "Yeah you'll be around with a broken jaw next mate." Zayn growled. I pulled on his hand, "Zayn, c'mon." "Yeah Zayn, listen to your little skank." He let go of my hand and clenched his into fists, he was about to lunge at any moment. I stepped in front of him and put my hands on his cheeks so he was focused on me. "Hey, let's go. Zayn please. Just please Zayn." "Yeah, please Zayn?" Jason mocked me. Zayn's vein was pulsing out from his neck. "No, don't look at him," I turned his head so we he was looking at me again. "C'mon, let's go. Do it for me, let's go. C'mon." Zayn closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. "C'mon Zayn, be a good little bitch c'mon." "Next time I see you, you're done." Zayn spat back storming off towards his car. Jason glared at him then looked at me, "You might not be so lucky next time asshole." He knew I was right. Jason of all people knows what Zayn's capable of. Jason and Morgan are brother and sister; they live with Zayn's mom and their dad. Zayn and Jason were fighting really bad one day and his father jumped into it and Zayn swung at him. Daniel, Zayn's stepfather was a police officer so Zayn could've gotten into some deep stuff. Instead, his mom kicked him out to show him 'responsibility' and his stepfather Daniel said he could only come back if and when he apologizes. That's why Zayn has his own place; he comes to my house for the holidays. He doesn't have much contact with any of them. He calls his mom every once in a while to make sure she's okay but that's it. I sped walked over to his car. No matter what kind of mood he was in he was always such a sweetheart to me. He slid back into the driver's seat once he knew my door was all the way open. "Thanks." I mumbled. "Sorry." "No, don't be." "No I didn't mean for you to see me like that." I climbed over to the driver's seat and sat on his lap with my knees against his thighs and cupped his cheeks with my hands. "Don't apologize, I'm proud of you." He gave me a weak smile and kissed my lips softly. "Gosh I love you." "I love you too."

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