You're my Spanish teacher? (Niall)

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so by the title, this is obviously gunna be a teacher one. kinda different from what i've seen but here you are.;)


"Hey! Since when are you in this class?" Anna smiled. I smiled back taking the empty seat in the back of the room next to her." "Mr. Davis said I needed another extra credit to pass this year so he we gave me the option of Calculus or Spanish. I suck at math so here I am." The bell rang a few moments later but everyone just talked amongst themselves. A guy with blond hair dressed in a suit came in smiling as he walked over to what I assumed was his desk. "What happened to Mrs. Garcia?" "Transferred." I nodded. He looked familiar but who knows. "¡Hola clase!" Wait... I know for a fact I know him from somewhere. I couldn't ever forget a face like that. "Too early for you all to think I know but at least act like you're paying attention." He grabbed a clipboard with a piece of paper on it, probably the attendance sheet. "Alright who's here? Julie, Andrew, Michael, Chelsea, Kaitlyn, Scott, Tony, Courtney, Ashley, Jake, Lucas, Anna.- (Y/N)?" He looked around the room then glanced over at me. I looked up now remembering where I've seen him. But I played cool looking back at him. "Is that you?" I nodded quickly crossing my legs. He smirked, he remembered too. "You must be new to this class." I nodded again not really knowing what to say. "Well, I'm Mr. Horan your spanish teacher. Welcome to la clase de Español." "Gracias."(thank you) I grinned. Still remembered that one. "De nada." (you're welcome) "Okay guys, so today we're going to be talking about verbs...."
I couldn't focus on a single thing he said. All I could remember was that night at the pub. I was off with Sam and she ditched me for a group of guys so I sat alone on a stool. He came over and sat next to me and was of course drop dead gorgeous and I looked like a wh.ore with my hair curled and a tight black dress on. The only thing I can remember from the rest of that night was how could he felt. With my hands pressed against his car windows and him pounding into me pulling on my hair and biting my neck. The way his tongue curled at just the right moment and his fingers were just- "Y/N?" I jumped shutting my legs tightly- "Hm?" "How do you know when to use the imperfect or preterite tense?" The what? "Oh uh, I dunno." "I'll repeat it again, preterite is used with specific time where as imperfect is repeated. So 'I cook every Saturday' 'Yo comía cada sabado' is imperfect and 'I cooked Saturday' 'Yo comé sabado' is preterite. Got it?" Uh.. no? "Yeah." "It's complicated I know but you'll get it." He smiled. He has to remember me I know he does.

2 weeks later

I've worn revealing but not 'revealing enough to get me in trouble' clothing for the past 2 weeks now and I've barley gotten glances. You just don't forget something like that, at least I didn't. Today seemed different. Mr. Horan look very frustrated. He kept running his fingers through his hair, rolling up then rolling down his sleeves, jittery. He wouldn't look at me the whole period. It made me so irritated! I understand that he's a teacher but he wasn't the day we met. He's so young and sexy. The fact that he can speak Spanish was even better. The bell rung and everyone gathered their books to leave for their next class. I took my time grabbing my things but made sure I was ahead of a few of the students so it didn't look bad. I was about to walk out when I heard his voice, "Y/N, can I see you for second? It's about your quiz." I felt my face get hot but scooted past the other students back into the classroom. The door shut and I could feel every bit of sexual tension between the both of us. I walked slowly over to where he stood holding a piece of paper. "Here take a look at this." "An 87?" "Yeah, you did pretty good." "That's not what you wanted to talk about though." I said softly. "No it's not." "You remember me don't you?" I smirked leaning over the table a bit while he stood behind me whispering in my ear. "Course I do. I remember forcing your hips down in the backseat of my car threatening to tie your hands up with the seatbelt if you didn't do as I said. How wet I got you before we even walked out of that pub. Your loud moans and groans of my name. The way you said-" "Niall." I whimpered softly biting my bottom lip. "Yeah, like that." "F.uck you don't know what that does to me." He grunted pressing himself against me. I heard the door jitter and jumped startled. Mr.Horan moved next to me fumbling through papers. "Oh, didn't realize you were busy." I held up my test with a big grin on my face walking towards Mr. Davis." "I was asking about my grades in this class and look." I waved it in his face, "87." "Hm, maybe you'll graduate." Maybe you'll get your head out of you arse. "Yeah, maybe!" I shouted sarcastically scooting past him. "Oh, here Y/N. You forgot this." Mr. Horan smiled handing me a few sheets of paper. "Extra credit assignment." I smiled at Mr. Davis walking out. When I got to my locker I opened it and since it's far enough away from the classroom I turned over one of the sheets of paper; "Come to my class room when you have lunch. The light will be off but I'll still be here just come right in and lock the door. I'll help you with that 'extra credit.'" I grinned shoving the note in my book bag before quickly hurrying off to art.

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